Favorable Array Interaction

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Favorable Array Interaction


The Economist (Dec. 3, '09, attached) reports new results from Ilan Kroo's Lab. at Stanford.  Theoretical, but realistic, calculations indicate that a three plane array of large transports could save 15% on an intercontinental passage by utilising  formation flight.  I have known, and worked with, Ilan for 30 years.  He is an excellent pilot and a suberb aerodynamicist/mathematician.  I have all confidence in his reports.  As the old RAF used to say, they are"Pukkah Gen"!  "Pukkah" (Anglo-Indian) = Completely Correct, "Gen" abbrev. for General Information. 


Formation flight has been studied since 1914.  While a prof at Caltech,  with a colleague, Carl Shollenberger,  I published a paper (Science, #168,1970) quantifying the advantages of formation to migrating geese.  They can be as high as 70%.  A'course this calls  for a very tight formation, and skilled pilotage.  Birds don't mind an in-flight collision, people do.  It can spoil your day.  Like TOTALLY, man!  So we can't expect that level of benefit from aircraft. This stuff was revisited later (AIAA, Jan. 2005), where I published  a much simplified calculation technique, essentially supporting the older paper.  Yuss, we grows older and lazier, and sometimes smarter.


I always like to give homage to Carl - a beloved student and friend - he was killed in a solo aircraft accident in night turbulence over the Sierra Madres, no-one knows why.  It was his second paper.  He loved, and died for, flight science.  Far too young to be borne away by some dark wind!  Much, much too soon, but perhaps a good way to go.  "To cease upon the midnight with no pain",  Keats had it.  So, as long as folks study formation flight,  you're fondly remembered , Carl!


Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures

Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for.

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economist Dec.3 09.doc (100K) Download Attachment