RE: Computer Help in Santa Fe
As owner and operator of one of the most successful long-term computer establishments in Santa Fe, entering my 12th year of business, I feel compelled to address the "bad review" I was given by Mr. Giles Bowkett on this list. I was sad to see this, and even more surprised by how quickly and easily people -- even supposedly intelligent and deep-thinking people -- will accept one anecdotal, unverified piece of information as "fact" and operate according to a kind of "group think" instead of determining the veracity of information for themselves. This anecdotal tale from Giles Bowkett about his experience at my shop is UNTRUE. I certainly know how to diagnose a dead video card, I change them regularly (along with a thousand other types of hardware and software repairs), and if that's what his computer needed, I would have recommended that to him. I've been working in the computer industry for more than two decades, was a highly-paid technical and marketing consultant for Digital Equipment Corporation (then the #2 Computer Company Worldwide, behind IBM) in the 1980s in Boston, have won several awards for my work, and am quite expert. My employers used to fly me around in Helicopters, pay me $200 an hour, and keep the helicopters waiting for me. Here in Santa Fe, my business has grown steadily over the years, and I have hundreds of satisfed customers, any one of whom would be happy to provide a glowing review of my skills and achievements. As I write this, here at Christmas time, I am surrounded by gifts -- flowers, bottles of wine, books, chocolates -- from happy and grateful customers!!! I'm building two high-end Intel quad-core based systems with RAID arrays, dual gigabyte ethernet network ports, etc., edc., for a long-time customer as we speak. Once I build these units, I will have to support them throughout their product lifecycle. I am personally responsible for servicing hundreds and hundreds of computers in Santa Fe, many of which I built, myself, by hand. Gosh, I really think I can diagnose a dead video card on some junky old PC!!! In Mr. Bowkett's unproven complaint, he has not stated whether his computer was a desktop or a notebook. He has not suggested how, if the computer would not "light up," I could have seen his Windows system and determined that he needed antivirus software (of course, every windows computer does -- Microsoft itself insists on it -- so it could hardly be called bad advice, if I did give it -- but all that is another story). He says I claimed his monitor was dead, but if he actually brought a standalone video monitor in for me to diagnose, I would have immediately and instantly plugged it into a known good computer system in my shop, and we'd have learned in a few minutes whether his monitor was bad or not. Or is he referring to a laptop "monitor" (not the usual vocabulary for a notebook LCD screen), in which case, how could he possibly have popped out and replaced the "video card," with which laptops are not ordinarily equipped???!! In short, Mr. Bowkett's story is full of holes, makes very little sense, bears no resemblance to how things go in my shop, and is therefore simply untrue or based on a lack of understanding -- not unusual among ordinary folk. All of the diagnoses required in Mr. Bowkett's case are relatively simple, and I have performed them hundreds if not thousands of time in my career. A computer technician of ordinary intelligence with a few years experience could do it. I am a computer technician of high intelligence (IQ 188 good enough?) and more than twenty years experience. 25, now, actually, I'm afraid to say (shows my age). Perhaps Mr. Bowkett has gotten me confused with someone else; or has confused the actual advice I gave him with what he "heard me say," as they say? The Six Blind Men and The Elephant...Rashoman.... I would suggest you yank this particular thread from the list unless it can be verified. It is untrue. Day after day, week after week, my business prospers. I not only repair and upgrade computers but build elegant and effective custom built systems for artists, financial professionals, real estate and insurance agents, entrepreneurs, and other high-end buyers, solving a wide variety of complex software and hardware issues. Again, my list of satisfied customers is huge, and grows larger every day. Glowing references available upon request -- come on down and share a glass of my gifted wine! You can even buy a copy of my computer book, "Make Peace With Your PC." In short, and in closing, I can certainly diagnose and replace a dead video card on some old PC, and it is ludicrous to claim that I can't. Perhaps Mr. Bowkett was unwilling to pay a reasonable and customary diagnostic fee, was unhappy that I wouldn't engage in the process of solving his problems without compensation, and invented this story, out of whole cloth, or by twisting around the actual facts of the matter? Unlikely, maybe -- but unlike Mr. Bowkett's story, this version (which is a just a guess) at least makes sense. Thanks and Regards, Steven Salemi The Computer Guru Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA ? Get The Book: Visit: ? Watch The Video: Visit:?? Read The Blog: Visit: ? "Every War Is A Failure Of Diplomacy." |
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