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Stephen Guerin
-----Original Message-----
From: George Duncan [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 1:48 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: FW: SBE-CISE Report

The attached report is from an NSF workshop in April on Cyberinfrastructure
and the Social Sciences that I participated in. The purpose was to set
research directions for NSF. Thought it would be of interest to FRIAM.

 (the attachment was greater than 90K so it is now posted on the FRIAM site:
http://www.friam.org/SBE-CISE-FINAL.pdf )

Cheers, George

George T. Duncan

Professor of Statistics

Heinz School of Public Policy and Management

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone/FAX: 412.268.2172/5338

-----Original Message-----
From: Francine Berman [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 6:12 PM
Subject: SBE-CISE Report


Attached is the final report from the SBE-CISE Airlie workshop in March. The
organizing committee would like to thank all of the participants for truly
making this a groundbreaking workshop. We hope that the ideas in this final
report help enable the emerging SBE-CISE community to move forward and make
an important contribution to the development, deployment, and use of
Cyberinfrastructure. Thanks so much to all of you for participating.

Fran, Henry, Ruzena, and John


Dr. Francine Berman

Director, San Diego Supercomputer Center

Professor and HPC Endowed Chair,

UC San Diego [hidden email]



Nina Anderson
Executive Assistant to Dr. Fran Berman,
Director, San Diego Supercomputer Center
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093-0505
Tel: 858-822-5450
Fax: 858-534-5056
[hidden email]

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