In the big consciousness, we know things by participation with them, which is love.
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Thank you, George Duncan, I get Richard Rohr's stimulating sharings every midnight for years now -- just started my own sharing with free spontaneous weekly Youtube sharings with 2 others via Google Hangouts On Air, me in Imperial Beach, south of San Diego, Dirk in South Africa, Sun in San Francisco -- graduates of the 4-month process: Spark Sparks starts, first YouTube video, 3 of us share live awareness flow on free video Google Plus Hangouts On Air: Rich Murray 2016.05.13 Sparks In All, May 13 2016 Friday 11 am PDT Hangout On Air
We are out there now in so many ways. Share the link far and wide…
Thanks to both of you being authentic and open.
Deepest connected sense with you.
Thanks for allowing you in me and me in you. Attachments area 9:25 pm PDT Friday 2016.05.13 The three of us started this publicly shared adventure this morning about 11:17 am PDT, until ending at 12:28. We want to share our spontaneous online explorations, which started for the three of us together the first time May 4. Others are welcome to watch, and to join our sharing sessions, to be kept available for free public view. Eventually, the sharings will evolve and expand, as more join to explore the wonderful potential of live collaborative online video sharing. Soon, many similar expanding networks for free spontaneous mutual awareness exploration will evolve everywhere, easily and safely serving the enormous benefit of everyone on Earth and beyond. We allow continuous spontaneous innovative sharings together to easily shift into many expanded awareness experiences, appreciating every word and gesture, acknowledging the benefits of newly shared, freshly found, surprising natural aspects of our own awareness, at once unique for each and yet shared among all, each a unique strand of creative action that inspires enjoys and enriches all the others, learning to let life live freely as a forever fresh jazz session. Learning by natural doing of whatever is flowing happily each moment leads to a Golden Rule process, as the more we listen, the more each gives, the more everyone evolves, while the mutual celebration is safe, gentle, playful, appreciative, inviting, welcoming, open. All Chiefs, no indians... Muddling through is the way... Wrong way is way... Feel dubious, unqualified, skeptical, cautious? Welcome, welcome !! Lively Communion -- invoking mutual meditative exploration: Rich Murray 1993 April, 2001.06.22, 2011.02.14 1. INTRODUCTION: We now join in exploring the co-creation of an open ended process of mutual meditative exploration. We call this Lively Communion. God. That word. May it refer to something real, to our actual experience. As fabled lovers leap from terra firma into abyss, we hold mental hands and fall together into openness, into space, into the intimate unknown, into peace, bliss, and power. Naturally, it is effortless, spontaneous, yet surprising and vigorous, a white water rafting of two souls. We journey, mostly, with open eyes, and open "I's". And, most humanly, we talk and talk -- but mainly about what is happening right now... This is Lively Communion. Let us agree to cooperate in allowing it to happen now, in this very writing and reading. 10:24 pm PDT Friday 2016.05.13 The audio is good enough, especially if you use headphones, and turn the volume high on your computer or smartphone. It helps to assume that flow can be trusted fully -- especially technical problems, interruptions, missing many words or gestures, sudden shifts of topic, unexpected emotions and sensations, mistakes... You may notice that you feel swept along and uplifted by the flow -- this is how we feel, and your experience helps inspire us as we play, for in the reality of All, time is multidimensional and so is "causality", so that miracles and magic are not only possible, but natural common safe continuous easy -- grace does not require suffering, penance, effort, understanding, qualification, expertise, rules, innocence -- just a little willingness -- if you happen to be reading this, you are already receiving grace... 10:44 pm PDT Friday 2016.05.13 neurobehavioral effects of aspartame, GN Lindseth et al 2014, funded by Army, free full plain text -- 25% of 28 healthy young university students had obvious harm from a dose same as 9 cans daily for just 8 days: Rich Murray 2015.07.05 [ see also, for value of vegan diet, "As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food, drink, environment, and society." within the fellowship of service, Rich Murray, MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology, BS MIT 1964 history and physics, 1039 Emory Street, Imperial Beach, CA 91932 505-819-7388 cell 619-623-3468 home rich.murray11 free Skype audio, video chat On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:47 AM, George Duncan <[hidden email]> wrote:
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In reply to this post by George Duncan-2
FWIW, this does approach (what I imagine of) Peirce (perhaps only old man Peirce, though, given that I'm not a Peirce scholar -- or a scholar at all -- and don't keep track of how historical figures change their opinions over time): cf On 05/18/2016 10:47 AM, George Duncan wrote: > Here's a religious and historical cut on consciousness. Written by an active Jesuit theologian, Richard Rohr. Interesting to explore the similarities an differences in this conceptualization and that being discussed on the FRIAM list. > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > *Consciousness and Contemplation* > *Wednesday, May 18, 2016* > > [...] > In the big consciousness, we know things by participation with them, which is love. As I've said before, we cannot know God in a cerebral way, but only by loving God through a different kind of knowing. Mature spirituality teaches us how to enter into the reality of that which we are encountering. And it gets even better than that. Eventually you get the courage to say, /I am a little part of that which I am seeking/. In this moment, the idea of God as transcendent shifts to the realization that God is imminent. That's why the mystics can shout with total conviction and excitement: My deepest me is God! God is no longer just /out there/, but equally /in here/. Until that transference takes place and you know that it is God in me loving God--God in me worshipping God, resting in God, enjoying God--the whole point of the incarnation has not been achieved, and we remain in religion instead of actual faith experience or faith encounter. -- ⛧ glen ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College to unsubscribe
uǝʃƃ ⊥ glen
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