Dear All,
I assume you all have seen this.
From: Announcements of Complex Systems Activities [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of [hidden email]
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 2:01 PM
To: Announcements of Complex Systems Activities
Subject: Postdoctoral and Student/Predoctoral Research Positions
Postdoctoral and Student/Predoctoral Research PositionsThe New England Complex Systems Institute has funding for postdoctoral and predoctoral research stipends and scholarships starting immediately. We are looking for applicants with outstanding training in physics, mathematics or computer science. We value strong writing capability. Candidates should be interested in contributing to a wide range of areas, including analysis and modeling of - Socio-economic systems relevant to:
- The economic crisis,
- Conflicts and ethnic violence, and
- International development;
- Organizational systems relevant to:
- Biological systems relevant to:
- Evolution and diversity,
- Cellular function, and
- Physiology;
- Fundamental mathematical advances such as:
- Multiscale representations, and
- Network representations
Applications for both postdoctoral and student researcher positions should be submitted through: 
[hidden email] If you prefer not to receive messages about this and future programs please let us know by sending an email to: [hidden email]. If this does not work send an e-mail to: [hidden email]. New England Complex Systems Institute 238 Main Street Suite 319 Cambridge, MA 02142 Phone: 617-547-4100 Fax: 617-661-7711 |
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