FW: NMITSA: Google's Summer of Code challenge for students

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FW: NMITSA: Google's Summer of Code challenge for students

Randy Burge

Just to let you know the value of the exchange in/on FRIAM, the Summer of
Code challenge has been sent to engaged high schoolers and interested
teachers via the email below and to a number of other nodes on the NM
network that reaches the universities and other connectors as well (reaching
the right audience for this message in NM - see the list below)!

Thanks, Sven, for your heads-up contribution on the Google Summer of Code

Owen, your idea to prepare a Complexity team for mentoring Code Googlers is
a great one. Let me know how the idea progresses.

Randy Burge

------ Forwarded Message

> Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2005 08:08:26 -0600
> Subject: NMITSA: Google's Summer of Code challenge for students
> NMITSA Announcement: Google's Summer of Code:
> Please  forward  this announcement to students in your networks
> ASAP.  If  we  can one or more students in this program we will
> have caused a great thing to happen in NM.
> Students  who complete an open source project (of their design)
> can earn $4500 over the summer.
> Application Deadline: June 14, 2005
> The  Summer  of  Code is Google's program designed to
> introduce students to the world of Open Source Software
> Development.
> This Summer, don't let your programming skills lie fallow...
> Use them for the greater good of Open Source Software and
> computer science! Google will provide a $4500 award to each
> student who successfully completes an open source project
> by the end of the Summer. (payment details can be found in FAQ)
> By pairing applicants up with the proven wisdom and experience
> of established prominent open source organizations (listed below),
> we hope to make great software happen. If you can't come up
> with a great idea to submit, a number of our organizations have
> made idea lists available.
> For more information/application:
> http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html
> Groups reached with this announcement:
> (Please send to other groups in your network and let me know
> who and which org: [hidden email])
> NMITSA Workforce Education Alliance
> NM Public Education Department
> NM Adventures in Supercomputing
> NM Adventures in Modeling (Santa Fe Institute)
> Intel International Science Fair (Russ Fisher-Ives, RRHS)
> UNM (Comp Sci and Eng)
> NMSU (Comp Sci and Eng)
> NM Tech (CIO and professor)
> NM Highlands (Computer Science)
> Albuquerque TVI (Digital Media)
> ABQ Public Schools (CIO plus AHS)
> City of Albuquerque (CIO)
> Bernalillo Public Schools (Superintendent)
> Rio Rancho High School
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> Sandia National Laboratory
> Companies:
> Apogen Technologies
> Van Dyke Software
> Verge Fund
> Microsoft Partnership in Education (Ferdi Serim, PED)
> AiS Challenge Consulting, [hidden email]

------ End of Forwarded Message

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