The MISP conference is tomorrow at UNM. Please come on down even for part of the
>From Eric Whitmore
Hello again, happy holidays -- and apologies for
Attached is a draft agenda for the 2nd Annual MISP
Conference we're hosting at UNM on 13 January. Almost a
year ago, over 350 people came from throughout New Mexico
and across the spectrum of creative and professional
media-related fields to develop connections and projects,
and learn of the many resources New Mexico has to offer.
Since then, there have been many positive developments --
and we want to continue to build. We hope you will join us.
While attendance is free, space is limited, please visit
the MISP website at: and follow
the link at the bottom of the page to register.
(Meanwhile, some conference panels are still being
developed, and times and locations may change just a bit.
Contact me directly at whitmore at if you have
interest in a specific panel.)
We look forward to seeing you there.
Eric Whitmore
?the future does not belong to those who are content with
---Robert Kennedy
"Art is a matter of life and death. This may be
melodramatic, but it is also true."
---Bruce Bauman
Eric Whitmore, Program Coordinator
ARTS Lab & Arts Technology Center
MSC04 2570
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
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