FW: GFX Cafe Seminar Friday Nov 7, 2008

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FW: GFX Cafe Seminar Friday Nov 7, 2008

Stephen Guerin
GFX Café Seminar Friday November 7, 2008
12noon, ECE 118

Food will be served

Performance Capture from Video


Details in mesh animations are difficult to generate but easy to observe.
In this GFX Café, we take a look at recent work presented at this year's
SIGGRAPH conference on capturing mesh animations from video streams.
Specifically, we will show the presentations for the following three

- Articulated Mesh Animation from Multi-view Silhouettes
 by Daniel Vlasic, Ilya Baran (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
 Wojciech Matusik (Adobe Systems Inc.), Jovan Popovic (Massachusetts
 Institute of Technology)

- Performance Capture from Sparse Multi-view Video
 by Edilson de Aguiar, Carsten Stoll (Max-Planck-Institut Informatik),
 Christian Theobalt (Stanford University), Naveed Ahmed, Hans-Peter
 Seidel (Max-Planck-Institut Informatik), Sebastian Thrun (Stanford

- Markerless Garment Capture
 by Derek Bradley, Tiberiu Popa, Alla Sheffer, Wolfgang Heidrich
 (University of British Columbia), Tamy Boubekeur (TU Berlin)

The ECE building is located on the campus of the University of
New Mexico (building 46 on the campus map).  Directions can be found
here: http://www.ece.unm.edu/visitors/parking.htm

Pradeep Sen
Assistant Professor
Advanced Graphics Lab
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico

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