IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium
June 8-10, 2005
Pasadena, California, USA
Sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
Call for Papers
Originating in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2003, this is the second
in the series of IEEE International Symposia on Swarm Intelligence.
This interdisciplinary meeting aims at bringing together research
communities of modelers, physicists, engineers, computer scientists,
biologists, ecologists, and economists, within a broad definition
of swarm intelligence, to present and discuss the latest results
and trends in this burgeoning field.
The 2005 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium will address topics ranging from
theoretical foundations to engineering applications of swarm intelligence.
In particular,
it will focus on models and analysis of collective behavior in natural and
societies, design, control, and optimization of collective artificial
systems, and
algorithms based on principles of swarm intelligence.
Full details, including paper submission deadlines, can be found
on the symposium homepage at
http://www.ieeeswarm.orgFor any questions please contact the meeting general chairs,
Payman Arabshahi (payman at and Alcherio Martinoli
(alcherio.martinoli at
Dr. Alcherio Martinoli
NSF Professor of Computer and Communication Sciences
Swarm-Intelligent Systems Group, Nonlinear Systems Laboratory
EPFL, Building PSE A
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 68 91 (direct), +41 21 693 26 56 (adm. ass.)
Fax: +41 21 693 81 40
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