FW: Ann Stagg - A Celebration of Her Life, July 1

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FW: Ann Stagg - A Celebration of Her Life, July 1

Edy Keeler-2

Edy Keeler
Core Value Inc. & The Core Collection
1807 Second St. #22, Santa Fe, NM  87505
tel 505 989 9800 . cell 505 690 5870 . fax 505 820 1764
edy at corevalueinc.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Milanesi [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 3:32 PM
To: Edy Keeler
Subject: FW: Ann Stagg - A Celebration of Her Life, July 1

Hi Edy...could you forwrad to all you know.  Thanks.

Linda Milanesi
8 Hondo Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87508
(505) 992-3321
(505) 699-1110 cell
lindam505 at earthlink.net

------ Forwarded Message
From: Ginny Greninger <[hidden email]>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 11:00:50 -0600
To: <inhouse at cyprus.santafe.edu>
Subject: Ann Stagg - A Celebration of Her Life,  July 1

July 1 is Ann's birthdate, and also the date that her family will be holding
a memorial service for her on the East Coast.

Aspen Vista Picnic Ground, Hyde State Park, Santa Fe, is 12.6 miles from the
intersection of Artist Road and Washington Streets.  Please feel free to
email this to one and all.

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