FRIAM and causality

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FRIAM and causality

Nick Thompson

Does a blank white wall have a "pattern" on it?


----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Holmes
To: nickthompson at
Sent: 11/18/2007 8:15:33 AM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] FRIAM and causality

There is a pattern and it's wholly predictable: every time you go out and ring your bell you are not attacked by a crocodile. A pattern, therefore (by your definition) a causal link.

If you were to ring your bell and sometimes you were attacked by a crocodile and sometimes you weren't (in a wholly random and unpredictable manner) then there's no pattern and no causal link.

Or do you mean something else by "pattern"? If so, what?


On Nov 17, 2007 12:12 PM, Nicholas Thompson <nickthompson at > wrote:

Completely and absolutely and TOTALLY off the mark.  

What is the PATTERN of relation between occurences of handbell ringing and crocodile appearance?  There aint none.  So there aint any causality.  Fits my model EXACTLY.  

thanks for your support.  Nyaah!

Nick (the Mature Scholar) Thompson
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FRIAM and causality

Robert Holmes
On Nov 18, 2007 11:58 AM, Nicholas Thompson <nickthompson at>

>  Robert,
> Does a blank white wall have a "pattern" on it?
> Nick

Nick - *YES *- Robert
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