Explaining del.icio.us

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Explaining del.icio.us

Tom Johnson (via Google Docs)

On Friday, I think it was, someone was explaining
del.icio.us<http://del.icio.us>, a web-based and highly shareable,
bookmarks manager. Here's a video demo
of how to use it, but the demo also evolves into a show-and-tell a semi-demo
of video blogging.

This demo was created using another interesting program called Camtasia,
prublished by the folks who produce SnagIt, a good screen-capture app.
Camtasia sells for around $150, but is impressive in what it can do as a
training or demo tool, I think.


Raymond M. Kristiansen screencasts a video showing how to set up and use
del.icio.us <http://del.icio.us>, which is a social bookmarks manager.

del.icio.us <http://del.icio.us> allows you to easily add Web pages to your
personal collection of links, categorize those sites with keywords, and
share your collection among your own browsers, machines, and friends.

Raymond's video uses Camtasia Studio's Picture-in-Picture feature, capturing
both the screen and his face.

Watch the screencast >


J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism
www.analyticjournalism.com <http://www.analyticjournalism.com>
505.577.6482 (c) 415.775.2530(h)
http://www.jtjohnson.com [hidden email]

"He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense."
-John McCarthy, Stanford University mathematician
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