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Evolutionary biology & traffic calming

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Evolutionary biology & traffic calming

Greetings, all --

For what it's worth, I had the distinction of serving on last year's Traffic
Calming Program Evaluation Task Force (Hubert Van Hecke chaired), and we
talked quite a bit about roundabouts, magical and otherwise. I'll be happy to share
our recommendations with you at some point.  At the very least, it may be
worthwhile to think about how ABM may be a useful technique for looking at some
of the worst intersections in town:

Cerrillos & St. Francis - the train's an interesting externality
Cerrillos & Camino Carlos Rey (Santa Fe Mazda Volvo Suzuki) - high number of

I was hoping for a roundabout at Old Pecos Trail and Camino Lejo/San Mateo,
but was overruled by the traffic light fans.

- Claiborne -
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Evolutionary biology & traffic calming

Carl Tollander-2
Always wanted a really big traffic circle at Cerrillos and Gaudalupe (Plaza
II?).  One time there was a power
outage and there were no traffic lights there and the intersection seemed to
work really well without 'em.
For awhile, anyhow.  It would be interesting to do a model of such
situations with and without the cops

I live near the Cerrillos & Camino Carlos Rey intersection and it seems that
most of the accidents
there are rear-enders (fewer t-bones) and that they are mostly on Cerrillos
itself (at least during the
rush-minutes) .  There's enough side visibility there (given the PepBoys
parking lot) that it might
be a candidate for de-light ism.  Another place would be the
Sringo/CamCarlosRey intersection,
as people are going slow there anyhow for the school.

If I were to nominate a length of street for a study, I'd say upper
Cerrillos or Sringo (all of it).
  -----Original Message-----
  From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]On
Behalf Of [hidden email]
  Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:49 PM
  To: [hidden email]
  Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Evolutionary biology & traffic calming

  Greetings, all --

  For what it's worth, I had the distinction of serving on last year's
Traffic Calming Program Evaluation Task Force (Hubert Van Hecke chaired),
and we talked quite a bit about roundabouts, magical and otherwise. I'll be
happy to share our recommendations with you at some point.  At the very
least, it may be worthwhile to think about how ABM may be a useful technique
for looking at some of the worst intersections in town:

  Cerrillos & St. Francis - the train's an interesting externality
  Cerrillos & Camino Carlos Rey (Santa Fe Mazda Volvo Suzuki) - high number
of accidents

  I was hoping for a roundabout at Old Pecos Trail and Camino Lejo/San
Mateo, but was overruled by the traffic light fans.

  - Claiborne -
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