European Populism in the Age of Donald Trump - The New York Times

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European Populism in the Age of Donald Trump - The New York Times

Owen Densmore
Interesting post on populist movements in Europe .. We Are Not Alone sorta thing:
​    ​
​A populist groundswell, newly bolstered by voters’ rejection of the Italian government’s referendum on Sunday, has been building across Europe since the global financial crisis, and it has found a voice in parties on both ends of the political spectrum.​

​I found it interesting that Brexit & Trump also are not alone. Good, simple dataviz, and nice article layout with a description of​ the 8 particular populist movements (neither Trump or Brexit), along with a brief bio of the primary proponent of that movement.

   -- Owen

PS: ​For the techies: One of the authors, Jeremy Ashkenas, is a well known JavaScript​ pioneer: CoffeeScript, Docco (Literate Programming), and Underscore. He got a post at NYTimes as a data visualization expert and now is one of the major reporters there.

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