Elastic lists

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Elastic lists

Tom Johnson
An interesting app with potential.  And Moritz just released his code for Elastic Lists (in Actionscript).

From FlowingData:  "For those unfamiliar, Elastic Lists builds on the idea of faceted browsing, which lets you sift through data with multiple filters. Think of when you search for an item on Amazon. In the initial results, filters for price, brand, and category rest in the sidebar. Similarly, Elastic Lists lets you browse data on multiple categories, but with more visual cues and animated transitions."


Elastic lists
"A fluid, rich interface for facet browsing

"Elastic lists allow to navigate large, multi-dimensional info spaces with just a few clicks, never letting you run into situations with zero results. They enhance traditional UI approaches for facet browsers by visualizing weight proportions, animated transitions, emphasis of characteristic values and sparkline visualizations."

-tom johnson
Santa Fe

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