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El Solitario 29.4982 -103.7625, 1.254 km low inside 13 km wide circles -- possible tornado type vortex ablation: Rich Murray 2010.03.26

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El Solitario 29.4982 -103.7625, 1.254 km low inside 13 km wide circles -- possible tornado type vortex ablation: Rich Murray 2010.03.26

Rich Murray
El Solitario 29.4982 -103.7625, 1.254 km low inside 13 km wide circles --  
possible tornado type vortex ablation: Rich Murray 2010.03.26
Friday, March 26, 2010

2010.03.26 Friday

This morning, 10 AM during the weekly meeting of the Friday
Morning Group at Saint Johns College coffee shop
in Santa Fe, NM,
I again ran into this puzzling, remarkable crater.

The vision jelled that this may be the site of a huge
tornado-hurricane flow formation, rotating counterclockwise,
for long enough in this spot to leave spiral ridges around the
inner more flat center, surrounded by concentric ridges from
high pressure and heat gas flows that would have carried the
heat along with shattered, melted, and vaporized minerals up
above the stratosphere.

The wider grey and white areas to the N, NNE, E, and SE
may mark the movement of the vortex as it started to form
and contract.

Like tornados, such a vortex may jump around, ablating the
landscape into circular forms.

The evidence can be surveyed to assess the range of sizes and
lifetimes of such firestorm vortexes.
Rich Murray 8:55 PM

Dennis Cox, amateur extraordinaire, with 6 views given via
Google Earth by Rich Murray of 360 m high mountain E of
Fresno, CA, with uphill and then downhill ejecta melt flows --
informative book with 92 color images: 2010.03.25
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tim McElvain, BS geology

"The furthest south I have found quartz with planar
microstructures is in Big Bend National Park in far west Texas.
There also is a structure there called the Solitario, the formation
of which looks like an impact structure, but researchers have not
been able to convince the experts that the planar microstructures
found there are definitive.

[ color relief image ]

K.  El Solitario

I believe more work should be done on this crater before it is
completely condemned as an impact structure.
The problem being that the only sedimentary rock with quartz is
some one thousand meters below the present surface the
Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments would have to be added,
and the shock wave attenuated and lost enough energy traveling
through the target rock to shock the quartz in this formation with
enough energy to generate planar deformation structures.

Copyright © 2010 Thornton H. (Tim) McElvain."

2010.03.26 10:34 AM MST

Dear Murray,

I am organizing and constructing a new page with the information
of my research on palaeolagoons.
I'll  update the page frequently -- it's under construction.


thanks for your attention,
Pierson Barretto [hidden email]

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: El Solitario 29.4982 -103.7625, 1.254 km low inside 13 km wide circles -- possible tornado type vortex ablation: Rich Murray 2010.03.26

michael barron

you were right ! If you select just the highlighted text , it works,
if you double
click , like most hyperlink, then it select all the text, and goes no where!

michael barron

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 10:21 PM, Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote:

> El Solitario 29.4982 -103.7625, 1.254 km low inside 13 km wide circles --
>  possible tornado type vortex ablation: Rich Murray 2010.03.26
> http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2010_03_01_archive.htm
> Friday, March 26, 2010
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/46
> _________________________________________________
> 2010.03.26 Friday
> This morning, 10 AM during the weekly meeting of the Friday
> Morning Group at Saint Johns College coffee shop
> in Santa Fe, NM,
> I again ran into this puzzling, remarkable crater.
> The vision jelled that this may be the site of a huge
> tornado-hurricane flow formation, rotating counterclockwise,
> for long enough in this spot to leave spiral ridges around the
> inner more flat center, surrounded by concentric ridges from
> high pressure and heat gas flows that would have carried the
> heat along with shattered, melted, and vaporized minerals up
> above the stratosphere.
> The wider grey and white areas to the N, NNE, E, and SE
> may mark the movement of the vortex as it started to form
> and contract.
> Like tornados, such a vortex may jump around, ablating the
> landscape into circular forms.
> The evidence can be surveyed to assess the range of sizes and
> lifetimes of such firestorm vortexes.
> .
> Rich Murray 8:55 PM
> Dennis Cox, amateur extraordinaire, with 6 views given via
> Google Earth by Rich Murray of 360 m high mountain E of
> Fresno, CA, with uphill and then downhill ejecta melt flows --
> informative book with 92 color images: 2010.03.25
> http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2010_03_01_archive.htm
> Thursday, March 25, 2010
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/45
> _________________________________________________
> http://www.impactstructure.net/working-hypothesis.html
> Tim McElvain, BS geology
> "The furthest south I have found quartz with planar
> microstructures is in Big Bend National Park in far west Texas.
> There also is a structure there called the Solitario, the formation
> of which looks like an impact structure, but researchers have not
> been able to convince the experts that the planar microstructures
> found there are definitive.
> [ color relief image ]
> K.  El Solitario
> I believe more work should be done on this crater before it is
> completely condemned as an impact structure.
> The problem being that the only sedimentary rock with quartz is
> some one thousand meters below the present surface the
> Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments would have to be added,
> and the shock wave attenuated and lost enough energy traveling
> through the target rock to shock the quartz in this formation with
> enough energy to generate planar deformation structures.
> Copyright © 2010 Thornton H. (Tim) McElvain."
> _________________________________________________
> 2010.03.26 10:34 AM MST
> Dear Murray,
> I am organizing and constructing a new page with the information
> of my research on palaeolagoons.
> I'll  update the page frequently -- it's under construction.
> http://sites.google.com/site/cosmopier/
> thanks for your attention,
> Pierson Barretto [hidden email]
> _________________________________________________
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org