Eine Trommel

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Eine Trommel

Nick Thompson
Robert (and other shakespearean scholars on the list),

I wonder why the translator didnt repeat  the first phrase.....

What is the "Was Geseicht" doing?  

Better" Eine trommel, eine trommel", Macbeth kommt, eh?


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Eine Trommel

Russell Standish
By doing the second step Google search, I was looking for an "official
translation", if there was such a thing. I could have done a literal
translation myself, much as you did below (I speak a little German,
even if not that grammatically correct).


On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 08:43:10PM -0600, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

> Robert (and other shakespearean scholars on the list),
> I wonder why the translator didnt repeat  the first phrase.....
> What is the "Was Geseicht" doing?  
> Better" Eine trommel, eine trommel", Macbeth kommt, eh?
> Nick
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