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Owen Densmore
OK, who thinks Eclipse is easy to use .. raise your hand.  Oops,  

Well, someone has gone to the trouble of making a simpler, kinder,  
gentler Eclipse:

Now, I admit I've not used it yet, but I plan to give it a try.  And  
if I weren't already a bit beyond novice with Eclipse, I'd be using  
it now!

If any one tries it, could you give us a summary of your experiences?

     -- Owen

Owen Densmore
http://backspaces.net - http://redfish.com - http://friam.org

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Roger Critchlow-2
Easy compared to what?

This is more an easier to install than an easier to use version of
eclipse.  They've packaged up a variety of different configurations
into an installer, and they give you an uninstaller.  So instead of
picking over the partial packages at eclipse.org and unzipping them
into the correct folder, you just go through the usual install dialog.

But by tuning the installs to different target audiences they do
simplify the use by leaving out the unnecessary parts for each target
audience.  The "java expert" package just gives you the Java
Development Environment, which is way easier to navigate than the
default package that eclipse.org gives you with plugins and source.

But I don't see much easification beyond that.

-- rec --

On 5/30/06, Owen Densmore <owen at backspaces.net> wrote:

> OK, who thinks Eclipse is easy to use .. raise your hand.  Oops,
> nobody?!
> Well, someone has gone to the trouble of making a simpler, kinder,
> gentler Eclipse:
>    http://www.easyeclipse.org/site/home/
> Now, I admit I've not used it yet, but I plan to give it a try.  And
> if I weren't already a bit beyond novice with Eclipse, I'd be using
> it now!
> If any one tries it, could you give us a summary of your experiences?
>      -- Owen
> Owen Densmore
> http://backspaces.net - http://redfish.com - http://friam.org
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