Does it exist for wordpress?

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Does it exist for wordpress?

Gillian Densmore
While trying to make changes to one of my favorite themes and after spend probably way to long to find the right dood-dad:

Anyone know if there's a way to add button to wordpress that when pushed I can change I duno the color of borders  around tex while looking at the where  all the blogy bits go.
I tried microthemere and it's kind of nice for some stuff-

Or is there another weby-web page maker and keeping-up thing that's can do that?

The whole point of this was to freshen up my chops on making a custom theme (just in case that becomes a thing for me someday)  So I thought i might try  looking at a theme  called adventure because it works as fun little cookie cutter that I've used in the past

the theme I'm thinking of is:

It's got a nice little  border  or something around blog posts-  so I asked myself what if someone wants that to be green or red or something is there a plugin where I can click in that and change the color (basic CSS thing)--
theres some plugins that get closeish to doing that and one called microthemere that usually works- for stuff like that From what I can tell it was basically built by some realy clever people to do that (mostly)-it has some bugs and works great with many of the themes from or and as far as I know doesn't have a undue button.

So my question is: is there some tool or setting I may have missed where I can press I button, then click on the part of a theme I might want to change, click save and if something is wrong I can change some part of a theme again?

OR Is that where someone says: have you looked at this whole other thing that's like wordpress but can do that plus hey look it has these fun and easy ways to make themes for  people baked in? lol

In other words what have others used that's a realy fun way to not just set up a website(with blog) but also has a fun and easy way to make themes and play around with those themes so there both great to look at and easy to find stuff?
(preferabbly without 9000 lines of css)
I just want something where if I click a button and a page acts kind of like legos, then I can click an other button and change colors or add some pictures and what not while looking at it. Then hit save or mabie this thing has autosave and knows what a themes defaults are so if things get to messy I can just hit undue and go back to basics.
Kind of like how FrontPage did it- and that was fun. That way if when or if I need to hit undue I can and it's no big thing.

I ask because if wordpress doesn't reely do that, then mabie something else and I just don't know what that is, and don't want to get stuck on wordpress so if theres something else  out there that rocks.
sorry this rambled just trying to express the question ^_^

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