DoD Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center

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DoD Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center

Tom Johnson
FYI.  Some of the links are deadends, but this still has some interesting
tools and documents tucked away.

7.  Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center [pdf]

The Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis Center (MSIAC) assists the
Department of Defense (DoD) in meeting its M&S needs "by providing
scientific, technical, and operational support information and services."
Through the Help Desk, MSIAC also answers technical inquiries from non-DoD
customers, who agree to pay for their service beyond the first two hours.
The group has experience in weapons technology including WMD, information
management, modeling and simulation, operations analysis, chemical and
explosive sciences, material sciences, spectrum engineering, wireless
communication, life sciences, medical informatics and telemedicine,
transportation systems, and reliability, availability, and maintainability.
A wealth of resources are available from this website, including the
Modeling & Simulation Resource Repository (MSRR), which is described as "the
first place to go for answers to M&S" and Glossary of Modeling and
Simulation (M&S) Terms, information on special topics of interest within
M&S, and links to related websites. The MSIAC's M&S Journal Online offers
quarterly articles of interest to the M&S community free of charge. This
site is also reviewed in the March 25, 2005_NSDL MET Report_. [VF]


J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism
505.577.6482(c)                              505.473.9646 (h)                    [hidden email]

"He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense."
            -John McCarthy, Stanford University mathematician