"Design and the The Elastic Mind" TV interview on the Web

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"Design and the The Elastic Mind" TV interview on the Web

Tom Johnson

Last month I mentioned to some of you my visit to New York's Museum of
Modern Art and, specifically, its now-closed but wonderful exhibit, "Design
and the The Elastic Mind."

Last night, public broadcasting interviewer Charlie Rose spent much of his
hour talking to the exhibit's curator, Paola Antonelli.  That program is now
on the web at

I hope you find it interesting and worthwhile.  It really gets at the kind
of things we hope will be coming out of the soon-to-open Santa Fe Complex.


J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism -- Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
http://www.jtjohnson.com                 tom at jtjohnson.com

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete."
-- Buckminster Fuller
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