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Dennis Cox uses Mark Boslough, Sandia Lab, meteor air burst supercomputer simulations to explain geoablation from Mexico to Canada with many Google Earth images: Rich Murray 2011.04.09

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Dennis Cox uses Mark Boslough, Sandia Lab, meteor air burst supercomputer simulations to explain geoablation from Mexico to Canada with many Google Earth images: Rich Murray 2011.04.09

Rich Murray-2
248 posts
Dennis Cox uses Mark Boslough, Sandia Lab, meteor air burst
supercomputer simulations to explain geoablation from Mexico to Canada
with many Google Earth images: Rich Murray 2011.04.09
Saturday, April 9, 2011
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[ To make reading easier, I often turn dense scientific prose into
single lines, so I can comprehend them, while correcting minor typos.


The Nature of Airbursts and their Contribution to the Impact Threat


Mark Boslough
Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque NM, USA
E-mail: [hidden email]

[ dramatic color image of air burst, copyright Don Davis

http://cometstorm.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/tunguskablast2.png ]

Seminar sponsored by
New Mexico Tech’s Department of Earth & Environmental Science,
the Department of Physics,
and the NM Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources

Thursday, April 16, 4:00 PM
MSEC 101

Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by the Sandia Corporation,
a Lockheed Martin company, for the
United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
This work was funded by the LDRD and CSRF programs.


A Different Kind of Climate Catastrophe
Posted on April 6, 2011 by Dennis Cox

[ Extract quotes Boslough abstract: ]

“Ongoing simulations of low-altitude airbursts from hypervelocity
asteroid impacts have led to a re-evaluation of the impact hazard that
accounts for the enhanced damage potential relative to the standard
point-source approximations.
Computational models demonstrate that the altitude of maximum energy
deposition is not a good estimate of the equivalent height of a point
explosion, because the center of mass of an exploding projectile
maintains a significant fraction of its initial momentum and is
transported downward in the form of a high-temperature jet of
expanding gas.
This “fireball” descends to a depth well beneath the burst altitude
before its velocity becomes subsonic.
The time scale of this descent is similar to the time scale of the
explosion itself, so the jet simultaneously couples both its
translational and its radial kinetic energy to the atmosphere.
Because of this downward flow, larger blast waves and stronger thermal
radiation pulses are experienced at the surface than would be
predicted for a nuclear explosion of the same yield at the same burst
For impacts with a kinetic energy below some threshold value, the hot
jet of vaporized projectile loses its momentum before it can make
contact with the Earth’s surface.
The 1908 Tunguska explosion is the largest observed example of this
first type of airburst.
For impacts above the threshold, the fireball descends all the way to
the ground, where it expands radially, driving supersonic winds and
radiating thermal energy at temperatures that can melt silicate
surface materials.
The Libyan Desert Glass event, 29 million years ago, may be an example
of this second, larger, and more destructive type of airburst.
The kinetic energy threshold that demarcates these two airburst types
depends on asteroid velocity, density, strength, and impact angle.”

At Sandia Labs, Mark Boslough used their ‘Red Storm’ supercomputer to
simulate the airburst, and impact, of a 120-meter diameter stony
And it represents an example of that second, geo-ablative kind of air burst.

[ 24 sec YouTube video ]

The colors are graded by temperature. White = 5800 K; Red = 2000 K.
For comparison, an ordinary oxy-acetylene cutting torch in a steel
shop uses a thin stream of hot gases at only about 900 degrees C and
40 PSI to cut steel.
The speed of that stream of hot gasses is only a little bit more than
a stiff breeze.
But that’s all it takes to ablate solid iron, and to blow it away,
into runnels of melt, and heaps of slag.

Dr Boslough tells us that:

"Simulations suggest strong coupling of thermal radiation to the
ground, and efficient ablation of the resulting melt by the
high-velocity shear flow."

I think Mark Boslough’s simple statement may represent the cusp of
another major paradigm shift in the Earth sciences.
Especially when you think it through'
And when you consider what form the blast effected materials of a
geo-ablative airburst like that should be expected to take.

During the event, any ablated materials would be in an atmospheric
suspension, in a ‘fluidized’ flow.
Similar to a pyroclastic flow.
But wind-driven, like the froth, and foam, on a storm tossed beach,
not gravity-attracted, like a pyroclastic flow down the flanks of a
For more than 150 years, standard uniformitarian/gradualist geologic
theory has assumed without question that only terrestrial volcanism
can produce pyroclastic rock.
And deposits of sheet ignimbrites have always been seen as conclusive
evidence of explosive volcanism.
Even when no volcanic vent, or magma chamber can be identified.

An important thing to keep in mind is that, no matter whether a piece
of ‘ignimbrite’ is truly volcanogenic,
or if detailed chemical tests reveal significant siderophile, or
platinum group element enrichment, and [then] we can conclude an ET
either way, such materials are always the product of a violent explosive event.
And as the blast effected materials of an explosive event, the
patterns of movement, and flow, that get frozen into them during
emplacement can reveal much of the true nature of the explosive event
that put them there.

.....Because of the difference in motive forces involved, (One
wind-driven, the other gravity-attracted) there would be fundamental
differences in the way geo-ablative melt, and its volcanogenic cousin
moves, and flows, during formation, and emplacement.
And in satellite images, in ‘orphan’ ignimbrite deposits, we’re
looking for wind-driven patterns of movement, and flow.
By ‘orphan’, I mean to say that no volcanic system has been positively
identified to account for them.
And since the debris of the Taurid progenitor is thought to have hit
sometime in the geologically recent past, we should expect those
geo-ablative formations to be in very good condition.

But we face a bit of a conundrum.
For more than 150 years, standard gradualist geology theory has
assumed without question that only terrestrial volcanism can produce
the explosive forces needed to make a pyroclastic density current of
flash melted stone.
And for generations they’ve used sheet ignimbrite deposits as
conclusive evidence of explosive volcanism, in spite of often not
being able to locate a vent, or magma chamber, it came from; not even
with our best 21st century technology.
But since geo-ablative airburst melt would be in the form of a
wind-driven pyroclastic flow while it’s in motion, that’s exactly what
structural form any geo-ablative material would take as it comes to
rest, and cools.
And except for its wind-driven patterns of flow which become frozen in
at the moment of emplacement, it would be visually indistinguishable
from ignimbrite, or volcanic tuff.

Google Earth’s image resolution for most of the continent is better
than 1 meter per pixel.
Zoom in on your own neighborhood, and you see just how good they’ve
imaged the whole continent.
The question becomes, can we use it to scope out candidate locations
for field work?
You bet we can.

The Chihuahuan Ignimbrites of central Mexico are one such orphan deposit.
And except for a 100 km stretch along the roadside between Chihuahua
City, Mexico, and El Paso Texas, they are almost completely unmapped.
In central Mexico, and the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains, there
are more than 350,000 cubic miles of random colliding, inter-flowing,
sheet ignimbrites, undisturbed on the surface, in pristine condition,
with wind-driven patterns of flow.
And less than 15% can be positively attributed to a volcano.
Whether volcanogenic, or exogenic, pyroclastic rock is always the
signature of a violent explosive event.
And if you want to understand an explosive event after the fact, you
begin by studying the emplacement motions of the blast effected

Using Google Earth’s ‘save image’ feature, I made a very large image
map of overlapping saved images stitched together with Photoshop.
I then had the map printed out professionally in a high resolution
format that covers a whole wall.
A sheet of clear plastic for an overlay, some markers to draw little
arrows to indicate the direction of flow wherever they were
discernable, and I had a high resolution flow map that would’ve taken
decades of difficult surveying, in the middle of some of the most
inhospitable terrain on Earth, to produce the old way.

.....The problem with the assumed ancient age is that they are all in
perfectly pristine condition as the undisturbed capstone of the
terrains they’re blanketing.
Whatever else they are, geologically old, they’re not.
And after a few thousand hours of studying their patterns of
emplacement, I can tell you that those are are wind-driven patterns of
motion frozen into those pyroclastic rivers of flash melted stone.
The heat, and pressure to ablate the surface, and to produce and
emplace, the Chihuahuan ignimbrites came from above.
The ignimbrites themselves consist of materials from the original surface.
But flash melted, and blown around a bit.

The barren landforms rising between them weren’t ‘heavily eroded’ for
25 million years after the emplacement of the ignimbrites.
For that to be true, the ignimbrite sheets should be as heavily eroded
as everything else.
And they should be under the alluvium that erosion would’ve produced.
But the 25 million years worth of alluvium we should expect to see
covering the ignimbrites is missing from the satellite images.

Those mountains aren’t heavily eroded.
They were heavily ablated over a period of just a few seconds.
The vast, interflowing, ignimbrite sheets are the product of that ablation.
And their almost completely unweathered condition, as the capstone of
the terrains, disproves the assumption of ancient age.
The ablative event must have been only a few thousand years ago.

The real test of any supercomputer simulation, or model, like that, is
whether or not it is predictive of something we can find in real life
on the ground, and in this case, we can.
Take a look at that simulation again.
Remember, you are looking at a cross-section.
Imagine it in 3D.
Take a good, close look at the bottom of the down blast vortex.
And pay special attention to the patterns of flow at the point of
contact with the ground.

In the image below, I’ve chosen an ordinary-typical example from the
Chihuahuan “Ignimbrites” to give you an idea of what something like
can do.
The mountain you see in the image below is at 29.702168, -105.686617
about 150 miles south, southeast of El Paso, Texas.
And it is not unique.
There are many others nearby.
Note the radial, outwards flowing curtain of melt.
The wind-driven patterns of flow frozen into that curtain at the
moment of its emplacement are a perfect match for the patterns of flow
at the bottom of the large airburst vortex in Dr Boslough’s
The white line in the bottom of the image is 5 miles long.

Click on the image to view a 3D PhotoSynth of this mountain:


[ This high resolution service allows the terrain to be swiftly
viewed, rotated, and zoomed. ]

As you can see, the radial, outwards flowing curtain of pyroclastic
rock is almost perfectly pristine.
There is no question but that the mountain is the source location of
the materials in the curtain.
But the mountain is a cuesta that consists of uplifted meta sedimentary strata.
It’s not a volcanic vent, or rift, at all.

These are the patterns of movement you see when a fluid is driven
across a surface by high velocity atmospheric pressure.
Like I said, just like the foam, and froth, on a storm tossed beach.
Gravity wasn’t the motive force for the material movement we see
evidence of here.

The indication of the speed of the materials in the emplacement of the
curtain is the outwards pointing chevrons visible in the patterns of

The shocker here, is that the mountain probably didn’t exist in any
form at all at until the moment of the impact.
I suspect that it was uplifted as the surface rebounded upwards from
the impact shockwave.
In other words, in a sense, it ‘bounced’ up after the impact of the
shockwave like the surface of a trampoline.
But we need to look closely at the ablative patterns of flow in its
outer surface.

In the simulation, note the supersonic upwards flow in the center of
post impact vortex.
The mountain was born almost in an instant as the surface bounced back
from pressure of the shockwave, and it rebounded up into the impact
So, at the same time the ablated material in the radial curtain was
being ablated, and blown outwards, the rebounding surface at the
center was ablated, and the materials that were removed, were drawn up
into the impact plume by the upwards flow at the center of the vortex.
At this point, it’s hard to say where they might have fallen back to Earth.

And the signature of that supersonic, and ablative, upwards flow in
the middle of the vortex  is in the deep V shaped excavations that
wider at the top, and center of the flow.
What has been interpreted as the work of millions of years of erosion
is in fact the work of just few seconds of an ablative airburst.
And probably not so long ago at that.

Dr Boslough only simulated the airburst of a single fragment.
But the blast effected materials in the giant impact zone this
airburst structure is sitting in the middle of, describe a cluster
consisting of thousands of air bursting fragments that big.
And if comets Linear and SW-3 are any model of the density of the
debris cluster, those larger fragments were probably accompanied by
clouds of stuff down to the size of dust grains.
And all of it falling within seconds.
Like a giant shotgun blast.

There are well over 50,000 square miles of geo-ablative terrains like
that in central Mexico alone.
The zone extends up into west Texas.
And the region is unique on the surface of the Earth.
The arid climate has preserved the blast effected materials in
context, and in perfect condition.
And except for the occasional sage brush, or cactus, most of it is in
almost the same condition as it was the first year after the impact
There are no visual cues that I can see in satellite images that would
allow one to pin down the exact age of these formations with any
degree of confidence.
But since these formations are in such good condition, I struggle to
understand how anything on the western half of the continent could’ve
survived the fires.
The entire food chain over a vast area would’ve been compromised.
Most of it burned away down to the last blade of grass.
So I like it for a suspect in the early Holocene megafaunal extinctions.

.....A compelling, almost conclusive, case can be made for the
argument that the Younger Dryas cooling, the mega faunal extinctions
of the early Holocene, and the demise of the Clovis people were all
caused by the same event.
It was the multiple, thermal airburst, impact showers of the fragments
of the Taurid Progenitor soon after its complete breakup.
And the thermal explosive catastrophe its debris stream brought, was
more violent than anything ever imagined.
There are still a lot of different theories as the trigger event for
the Younger Dryas cooling.
And the cause of the megafaunal extinctions.
As for me, I am firmly in the camp that’s convinced it was an impact event.
But I perceive a vastly different kind of impact event from anything
studied before, or even imagined as possible.
And if you’ll imagine along with me a little more, I’ll try to
summarize, and describe, the event as I think it might’ve happened.

Some time between 20,000, and 30,000 years ago a great comet 50 km to
100 km wide was thrown into the inner solar system.
It immediately began to break up.
That disintegrating comet was the progenitor of the Taurid Complex.
A family of objects in related, short period, Earth crossing orbits.
And 12,900 years ago, just after the end of the last ice age, two
large clusters of fragments from that monster, both with the fragment
size, density, and distribution we see in comets Linear, or SW-3, had
a celestial train wreck with this fair world of ours.
The individual fragments of each cluster were so close, that in the
heart of their respective impact zones, only the first fragments to
fall, fell into cold atmosphere.
The rest fell into the already superheated impact plumes of those that
had gone before.
And they just cranked up the heat and pressure.

Something like 1.1 billion tons of material fell in those two clusters.
And the event lasted a little over an hour.
The progression of the event across the continent wasn’t a product of
the Earth’s rotation.
So that in a daytime event, the clusters of debris would’ve been
outbound from perihelion
And the western side of the continent would’ve been first.
In a night time event the opposite would be true.
You get a better idea of the progression of the event if you consider
how fast the Earth itself is traveling.

Assuming that the Earth’s orbit is roughly circular, we can work out
its orbital speed with some fairly simple algebra.
Since the average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 149,597,890
km, the Earth travels a distance of 2*Pi*(149,597,890)km per year.
But I can’t wrap my brain around that number when you write it that way.
I need it broken down a little more.

There are 365 days in a year, and 24 hours per day.
So we get a velocity of 107,300 km/h, or if you prefer 67,062 miles per hour.
So what?
How do we put that into a scale that makes some sense
We need to break it down a little more.

Consider this: Earth’s Diameter at the Equator is something like
7,926.28 miles, or 12,756.1 km.
Which means she’s moving along her own orbital path at a little more
than 8.41 times her own width every hour.
So, as the Earth crossed the orbit of the Taurid progenitor’s still
concentrated debris streams, she would have only been in the path of
that stuff for about an hour.
And the two large clusters of fragments would have fell within a few
short minutes of each other.

The eastern end of the Laurentide Ice sheet got hit in an area from
Northern Minnesota, and the Great Lakes to the Arctic Circle.
When the down-blasts of thermal impact plasma hit the Laurentide Ice
sheet they caused titanic hydrothermal explosions (steam) that lofted
huge icebergs hundreds of miles in all directions.
In a matter of minutes, much of the eastern end of the LIS was obliterated.
Much of which probably went into the atmosphere as steam.

The immense hydrothermal explosions also lofted the iceberg sized
chunks of ice hundreds of miles.
A few short minutes later, those flying chunks of ice were the
impactites that formed the thousands of oval depressions all over the
eastern side of the continent called the “Carolina Bays”.

And the signs of massive flooding that have been attributed by
generations of geologists to the bursting of ice dams holding back
Glacial lake Agassiz are, in fact, the flood effects of the flash
melting of major portions of the eastern end of the Laurentide ice
And the outflows from the resulting floods would’ve been to the north
into the Arctic ocean, and the North Atlantic.
There would also have been armadas of icebergs after the event in both areas.
And I expect that the glacial till in those bergs must have been
deposited on the ocean floor below as they melted.
I’d expect to see some evidence of that armada of icebergs in ocean cores.

The ice sheet impacts evaporated millions of acre feet of ice directly
into the atmosphere as steam.
There was probably much more of the ice sheet that went up as steam,
only to rain down in the days, and weeks, that followed than was
melted to flow into the sea.
As North America burned, the storms around the world raged.
There were probably torrential rains everywhere in the northern
hemisphere for weeks afterward.
How long exactly?
Who knows?
We can only estimate.
But for a good ball park figure to start from, the biblical 40 days,
and 40 nights, sounds about right to me.

Sea levels rose as the blasted, and melted ice sheet flowed in mega
floods to the sea.
And just as today, most of the larger populations would have been in
low lying areas.
The seas rose too fast or anyone, and anything, living in coastal
areas anywhere in the world, to escape.
Every coastline all over the world was effected.
And everywhere it would have been much like a giant tsunami.
But this time, the flood waters rose and never receded.

Much of an ice sheet bigger than the Continental United States was destroyed.
The whole world was shaken to the core.
And, like taking weight from a floating barge, the sudden shift of the
weight of so much ice caused a massive uplift of the middle of the
continent. Coupled with the powerful detonations of so many exploding
comet fragments, it caused earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions all
over the world.
And global seismic activity was the worst in many millions of years.

The Earth was probably in the path of the devastating streams of high
velocity, air bursting comet fragments for about an hour.
And out of tens of thousands of large, air-bursting, fragments there
is not one single impact structure that bares any resemblance to what
standard impact theory might expect.
There are a few hundred normal craters averaging about 100 meters
width, on the outskirts of the primary impact zone in the southwest,
that have pretty much ignored by the academic community.
For the most part, all of the planetary scarring of the event has been
mis-defined as volcanogenic.
And most of the ages of those blast effected materials have been over
estimated by orders of magnitude.

The other much larger cluster of fragments hit in central Mexico, and
the American southwest.
And it produced the most devastating geo-ablative effects of the two.

The Mexican cluster of fragments was approximately 500 miles wide.
As the first of the fragments hit, they detonated high in the atmosphere.
But the explosions retained their downwards momentum.
And they hit the ground as devastating supersonic down blasts hotter
than the surface of the sun.
And as I said, only the very first fell into cold atmosphere.
The rest of the fragments just piled on in, and added to the heat, and pressure.
Mexico didn’t have an ice sheet to protect the surface by exploding on
impact like reactive armor on a battle tank.
And there the overpressures from the blast waves were so powerful they
blasted whole mountain ranges aside like clumps of flour on a bakers

As the comet’s debris continued to pile in, the heat, and
overpressures, continued to build.
In seconds all of central Mexico was pulverized into a surreal, and
blasted, landscape of  heavily ablated, and melted terrains, like a
Salvador Dali painting.
It generated a post impact storm front.
Like a mega tsunami of thermal impact plasma taller than the
atmosphere, hundreds of miles wide, and hundreds of miles from front
to back.
And it as rushed downrange to the northwest at supersonic speeds, it
sterilized the western half of the continent on a swath from Mexico to
the Arctic, along a storm front extending from California to the great

The blast wind incinerated everything it passed over.
In the hottest part of the impact zone, vast quantities of stone were
vaporized, and whipped up, into the storm, where the atmosphere worked
like a refining tower.
And in a fiery rain, the materials precipitated out of the impact
storm, down wind according to their condensation temperature, and
specific gravity.

This was like nothing ever imagined in our most frightening nightmares
of disaster, or catastrophe.
During the impacts, and for a few minutes after, most of North America
from Mexico to the Arctic, and from California, to the plains of the
Midwest, was engulfed in a firestorm like something we should only
expect to find on the surface of the sun.
And there is not one square inch of the surface terrains of western
North America in its path that doesn’t bare the scars of that blast of

In fact, look closely in modern satellite images.
You’ll see that all of the high ridges of the mountain ranges of
California, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana that had glaciers at
the time bare clear and obvious signs of the heat.
And a profound feature that is easy to spot is melted glacial ridges,
blown over to the north, and northwest, like runnels of melted wax on
the side of a candle.
And we typically see high glacial valleys below those deformed, and
melted glacial ridges that have all of the material that was once
suspended in the glacier lying exactly below where it was in the
glacier. Indicating that the glacial till dropped out so fast it’s as
if the ice just vanished in a quick puff of steam.

While the mega floods from the blasted ice sheet were still flowing
into the sea.
Much of the biomass of western North America was burned away down to
the last blade of glass.
And much of the resultant smoke, and soot, was blown high above the
atmosphere where it blocked sunlight for years.
There was an immediate sharp drop in temperatures world wide.
And it was the worst kind of ’Perfect Storm’.
Made all the worse because at the same time the destruction of the LIS
caused a sudden rise in sea levels world wide.
It may have caused a shutdown of the thermal haline cycle which brings
tropical warmth to the North Atlantic.
Be that as it may, Northern Europe quickly cooled to arctic temperatures.
And the cold remained for something like 1,300 years.

The Clovis people, and whole species, and ecosystems, were annihilated
in seconds.
Most of the western half of the continent was incinerated, and sterilized.
The other half was devastated.
The food chain of the entire northern hemisphere was severely compromised.
And except. for rare, and random, patches here, and there, that
remained somehow unscathed like the one surviving undamaged house in a
neighborhood hit by a tornado.
The lush savannah the giant animals of North America depended on for
food [that] was gone down to the last blade of grass.
Those giant animals that survived in the southeast corner of the
continent faced a drastically altered, and reduced food supply.
And they simply starved.
The specialist predators that depended on those animals for food
perished as well.
The species that survived extinction were the most adaptable, the
smaller ones that didn’t eat much, and those that were just plain

If there were any human survivors of that day, anywhere in the western
hemisphere, they were hiding in a deep cave somewhere well south, and
east, of the impact zones.
And they were cringing in terror as their world was erased and made new again.
Any who peeked out of the cave without getting themselves killed, may
have told stories of fire breathing dragons remaking the world with
breath so hot it could melt mountains.

All that might sound like the product of an overactive imagination.
But using modern satellite imagery, a very compelling case can be made
that the scenario described above is very close to the exact

[ end of Extracts ]

Since November, 2008, as an intrepid amateur geology layman, I've
verified this evidence via Google Earth and NASA Worldwind, along with
one-day field trips in all directions within 160 km of Santa Fe, New
Mexico.  You are welcome to visit, and view and take my samples, while
I'll happily take you on tours within Santa Fe County.

Mark Boslough poster and video re Libyan Desert Glass -- simulation of
geoablation from meteor air burst 29.5 Ma: Rich Murray 2011.02.27
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-501-2298 [hidden email]


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