De-criminalization of Drugs?

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De-criminalization of Drugs?

-----Original Message-----

>From: Raymond Parks <rcparks at>
>Sent: Dec 22, 2005 4:21 PM
>To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <Friam at>
>Subject: Re: [FRIAM] De-criminalization of Drugs?
>Owen Densmore wrote:
>> Mike's mention of the drug space reminded me of a news report today  
>> about how Afghanistan is producing a huge amount of opium .. and  
>> forms > 50% of the economy there.  To help solve the problem, a  
>> suggestion was made to legalize it all and channel it into medical  
>> usage.
>> My question from this is why have the War On Drugs at all?  If we  
>> simply treated drugs somewhat along the line of liquor, or possibly  
>> pharmaceuticals for really hard stuff, do we have *any* idea what  
>> would happen?  Presumably the drugs could be made much, much cheaper  
>> and the legal part would be reduced to things like Driving Under the  
>> Influence or some such.  I'm sure the cartels would oppose it like  
>> crazy but it would be interesting to have a glimmer of the impact.
>> Any pointers to studies and/or real information?
>    No.  I have some anecdotal information.  Folk wisdom in Texas states
>that the two groups who promoted the liquor bans which existed there
>when I grew up were the Baptists (on religious grounds) and the
>bootleggers (on economic grounds).  You might look for studies
>concerning liquor by the drink legislation in Texas.
>Ray Parks                   rcparks at
>IDART Project Lead          Voice:505-844-4024
>IORTA Department            Fax:505-844-9641
> Pager:800-690-5288
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>Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at Mission Cafe
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the reason we have a war on drugs is because so many in the a.t.f. and other government organazations are making a comfortable living and a nice retirement fighting the war for our protection.  and if you consider how the masses need to be emotionally manipulated to vote for the cantidate or issue as is chosen for them, or how they need to be forced to protect thier children and themselves with seat belts excetera and excetera.......... how can you trust them to make a correct desision regarding drugs