Hello all Friammers, this is Bruce Damer finally de-lurking
and making virtual introduction. I have been tangentially working in the
A-life/complexity area since the mid 1980s and got closer when I visited
SFI in 1994 and then established the A-life community site called
Biota.org in 1996 followed by a conference series called Digital Biota
that ran from 1997-2001. I have been working in virtual worlds (the birth
phase of avatars on the net) and NASA 3D mission simulation with the
history of computing thrown in for good measure (Digibarn project). More
about me if you are interested can be found at:
More recently I have initiated a project called the EvoGrid
(Evolution Grid) which may interest some of you, at:
and a recent story at:
The EvoGrid is an audacious attempt to create a large scale gridded
particle (molecular dynamics) simulator in which pre-biotic complexity
ratcheting might be observed. The long term vision of the EvoGrid is to
create the environment for an "Artificial Origin of Life" event
(or you might prefer to call it an "Origin of Artificial Life"
event). There are two whimsical movies that our chief animator produced
for public consumption and I invite you to take a look when you are
waiting for the coffee to brew at:
(they are fun!).
At any rate I am looking forward to hearing from folks and finally
engaging this well informed community and I know I can and must learn a
*lot* from you all to be able to find my way forward on this EvoGrid
Thanks again for having me!
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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