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Gillian Densmore
Every year we do several borderline inane rituals-
On that list is deciding that because the leaves are brown and the air
has a rich scent to it that some people want to change what a clock
(Last checked the erath still rotates, Sister sun still reminds me to
get up etc etc)

I know this topic has come up many, many many times.  Being
Orc+Klingon I find myself woefull inept at understanding this ritul
Perhaps it's because I assume that untill such time as Red Gods eat
all humanity and Azethoth causes all of existance to implode The earth
will continue to rotate, causing the sun to rise and set-
Or perhaps I wake when the sun hits me in the face remind me I have
obligations to fill that I figure it's a good idea to fill them in a
timely manner.,
Or perhaps I take it in stride that WinterVeil comes eventually
leading to Father Winter to remind me that Winter is a time to
Or Perhaps it's because I subscribe to the notion it's more important
to achieve a task if I say I will reguardless of what number is on my

So here's my Q: Given that changing clocks around beyond routine
maintence doesn't do anything- Why is Fall/Summer time on my clock
still a thing?

(As a side note if Brian Green and Quantum theory is correct events
can be trigered or untrigered simillar to Holgraphic displays that
were popular in the 90)

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