Cybermesa's over-enthusiastic spam filter

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Cybermesa's over-enthusiastic spam filter

Robert Holmes
About half the time that I send email to someone with a Cybermesa email it
get bounced because their spam filter (Spamcop) has listed the Gmail servers
as potential spam sources. Anyone know how I fix this/get round it? I don't
want to give up gmail because it's so gosh darm handy. Thoughts anyone?

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Cybermesa's over-enthusiastic spam filter

Tim Densmore
Spamcop isn't our spam filter (I work in the NOC at cybermesa) - we actually
do not use them for anything at all.  Spamcop are a third party RBL which
many people running spam filters (spamassassin, etc) use to clear away much
of the chaff.  We use a third party spam filtering service called postini,
which I have personally found to be a marvelous service.  If you are
receiving bounces that have spamcop anywhere in the subject/body, they aren't
actually from us.  Postini rarely bounces mail - generally speaking, it
filters spam and suspect spam into a separate area where people can sift
through it themselves.

If you have any examples of bounces, please forward the entire message to me
as an attachment, or simply forward the headers from the message to me, and
I'll be happy to take a look.  If you don't feel comfortable with that, you
can send the same things to support at and explain the issue,
referencing me as someone you've contacted about the issue.

-Tim Densmore

On Monday 12 June 2006 22:19, Robert Holmes wrote:
> About half the time that I send email to someone with a Cybermesa email it
> get bounced because their spam filter (Spamcop) has listed the Gmail
> servers as potential spam sources. Anyone know how I fix this/get round it?
> I don't want to give up gmail because it's so gosh darm handy. Thoughts
> anyone?
> Robert

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Cybermesa's over-enthusiastic spam filter

Robert Holmes
Apologies for that - turns out it was a bounce from HostGo, not Cybermesa.
Thanks fro the reply though!


On 6/12/06, Tim Densmore <tim at> wrote:

> Spamcop isn't our spam filter (I work in the NOC at cybermesa) - we
> actually
> do not use them for anything at all.  Spamcop are a third party RBL which
> many people running spam filters (spamassassin, etc) use to clear away
> much
> of the chaff.  We use a third party spam filtering service called postini,
> which I have personally found to be a marvelous service.  If you are
> receiving bounces that have spamcop anywhere in the subject/body, they
> aren't
> actually from us.  Postini rarely bounces mail - generally speaking, it
> filters spam and suspect spam into a separate area where people can sift
> through it themselves.
> If you have any examples of bounces, please forward the entire message to
> me
> as an attachment, or simply forward the headers from the message to me,
> and
> I'll be happy to take a look.  If you don't feel comfortable with that,
> you
> can send the same things to support at and explain the issue,
> referencing me as someone you've contacted about the issue.
> -Tim Densmore
> On Monday 12 June 2006 22:19, Robert Holmes wrote:
> > About half the time that I send email to someone with a Cybermesa email
> it
> > get bounced because their spam filter (Spamcop) has listed the Gmail
> > servers as potential spam sources. Anyone know how I fix this/get round
> it?
> > I don't want to give up gmail because it's so gosh darm handy. Thoughts
> > anyone?
> >
> > Robert
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Cybermesa's over-enthusiastic spam filter

Robert J. Cordingley

I recently had a similar problem with emails generated from my Network
Solutions account webpage being blocked by TimeWarner Roadrunner.  I
contacted Network Solutions (NS) and they now seem to have got their IP
address off the internal block list that RR was using.  In RR's case
they apply a variety of blocking lists, some internal, some external, to
incoming emails.  They also operate a Feedback Loop
(  with willing providers and
this may be the way NS is no longer being blocked by RR.  You may be
able to use this 'case' as an opening with GMail or HostGo to get your
problems cleared up.  It took a couple of weeks and several attempts for
NS to get the problem resolved for me.

FYI, here are the blocking lists RR uses:

    * Road Runner Internal Name-Based Block
    * Road Runner Internal IP Address-Based Block
    * MAPS RBL-Plus - the IP address in question is listed on the MAPS
      RBL-Plus list <>, a
      third-party list that Road Runner uses to augment its own lists.
    * SpamHaus SBL - Similar to the MAPS RBL-Plus list, - the IP address
      in question is listed on the SpamHaus SBL

Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Robert C

Robert Holmes wrote:

> Apologies for that - turns out it was a bounce from HostGo, not
> Cybermesa. Thanks fro the reply though!
> Robert
> On 6/12/06, Tim Densmore < tim at
> <mailto:tim at>> wrote:
>     Spamcop isn't our spam filter (I work in the NOC at cybermesa) -
>     we actually
>     do not use them for anything at all.  Spamcop are a third party
>     RBL which
>     many people running spam filters (spamassassin, etc) use to clear
>     away much
>     of the chaff.  We use a third party spam filtering service called
>     postini,
>     which I have personally found to be a marvelous service.  If you are
>     receiving bounces that have spamcop anywhere in the subject/body,
>     they aren't
>     actually from us.  Postini rarely bounces mail - generally
>     speaking, it
>     filters spam and suspect spam into a separate area where people
>     can sift
>     through it themselves.
>     If you have any examples of bounces, please forward the entire
>     message to me
>     as an attachment, or simply forward the headers from the message
>     to me, and
>     I'll be happy to take a look.  If you don't feel comfortable with
>     that, you
>     can send the same things to support at
>     <mailto:support at> and explain the issue,
>     referencing me as someone you've contacted about the issue.
>     -Tim Densmore
>     On Monday 12 June 2006 22:19, Robert Holmes wrote:
>     > About half the time that I send email to someone with a
>     Cybermesa email it
>     > get bounced because their spam filter (Spamcop) has listed the
>     Gmail
>     > servers as potential spam sources. Anyone know how I fix
>     this/get round it?
>     > I don't want to give up gmail because it's so gosh darm handy.
>     Thoughts
>     > anyone?
>     >
>     > Robert
>     ============================================================
>     FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
>     Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
>     lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
>FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
>Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
>lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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