I've been surprised in the increased number of textbook level
complexity books recently, going beyond the popular books into fairly
serious formal systems.
This one looks like an interesting example of such a book:
http://books.google.com/books?id=7lcINfgupggCTwo questions:
- Has anyone read or looked at this one yet?
- Have you seen any interesting recent textbooks on complexity?
Here's an example I'm familiar with and like:
Modeling Complex Systems By Nino Boccara
http://books.google.com/books?id=dUxnlP7KYQ4CI'd be interested in books of this level others of us have found.
One interest in all this I have is that we often go on about "what is
complexity" and similar themes, and I have a hunch that the new crop
of textbooks may just have enough formalism to let us be more
precise. I hope!
-- Owen