Classification of ABM's

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Classification of ABM's

Ann Racuya-Robbins-2

Ann Racuya-Robbins
Founder and CEO World Knowledge Bank

Steve, I welcome your call for a panel conversation. I would be happy to join such a panel and will bring all that I can to the conversation. While I think a moderator could be useful it may not be essential.

I was interested to read the einstein-freud correspondence by the league of nations through the international institute of intellectual co-operation in 1931..."warum krieg"
einstein's follow-up in 1945 to introduce L. Szilard ( who would present a case for the potential use of uranium for national defense) to President Roosevelt is of interest as well... recommended by
that Julia Sushmihi recommended.

One of the things that can be more easily seen perhaps by looking at this distance is that the world is much more full of voices today. I can only conclude that many more voices are and would be engaged in a decision of this magnitude today. Concepts of ?the elite? and ?the masses? much more commonly used in that time seem crude and cold concepts today, not good ways to look at human beings.

As I mentioned before the holiday break I often want to participate in the Friam conversations more than I am able to. With a mountain of work on my plate after the holiday I will contribute and stay in touch with threads when I can.

Best Wishes,

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