Not so fast. Is this the woman that the U.S. would not allow in to
tell us how we failed to anticipate some special problems with
cryptography a year or two ago? (One of La Migra's better moments.)
On Jan 20, 2007, at 6:04 PM, Tim Densmore wrote:
> Is that the sound of black helicopters with DMCA stenciled on their
> sides I
> hear?
> On Saturday 20 January 2007 3:35 pm, Robert Howard wrote:
>> Chinese Professor Cracks SHA-1 Algorithm!
>> It was only a matter of time.
>> Robert Howard
>> Phoenix, Arizona
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"And then there's the treatment of the female characters. We have the
mother of the Princess, who gets hardly any music, and who seems
weirdly uninvolved with her young daughter's life and fate. We have the
Princess, who is allowed to work her wiles on Jianli to persuade him to
write the new anthem, but who after exercising them to the fullest -
and regaining the power to walk! why did nobody tell me that sex could
heal the crippled?? - is punished for her success, because good girls
who are engaged to powerful generals don't have sex with other men!"
Lisa Hirsch, on Tan Dun's new opera, "The First Emperor"
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