Chief Wiggles .. Straight from Iraq

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Chief Wiggles .. Straight from Iraq

Owen Densmore
I'm a bit of a news-hound, and have been looking for a break from the
usual "corporate" news .. bbc, nytimes, and so on.  Then, this month's
Foreign Affairs included an article of "new media" including blogs (web
logs).  A few clicks later, I found a great set of news-blogs.

This one is pretty interesting.  It is from a soldier in Iraq.  It
really gives you a "being there" view of it all through the eyes of a
sensitive and thoughtful person there actually seeing the day to day
.. and an article on it:,1442,510044972,00.html

To me, blogging is a good example of the "third phase" identified by
Brian Arthur, where the technology really is adapted around daily use,
integrating newspapers and digital technology.

Here is another example of digital adaption: a "real" newspaper's op/ed
column but with links so that it becomes blog-like:
And two other examples:

I am surprised how effective these new news sources are, how high the
quality is, and how well the technology fits the needs of the news
source.  It is a real transition of the technology.

Owen Densmore           451 Camino Don Miguel     Santa Fe, NM 87505
Work: 505-983-6305      Cell: 505-570-0168        Home: 505-988-3787
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