Charting & Graphing Packages

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Charting & Graphing Packages

Friam mailing list
I asked the RePast folks about java charting/graphing packages.
Nick Collier, the head of the project, suggested JFreeChart:

My interest is in gathering a suite of useful java
frameworks (RePast, Ascape, NetLogo, ...) and individual
libraries (JFreeChart, ...) so that scientific java work
can be less error prone.

BTW: From a software engineering standpoint, simulation systems
like RePast etc find it difficult to incorporate stand along
packages (like JFreeChart) because of the dynamic nature of
simulation.  Most libraries assume a very static, state free
environment while simulation software necessarily is both
very dynamic and deals with a great deal of history/state.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Nick Collier <[hidden email]>
> Date: Wed Feb 5, 2003  11:17:33  AM America/Denver
> To: Owen Densmore <[hidden email]>
> Cc: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Repast-interest] Charting & Graphing Packages
> See, JFreeChart at
> We might integrate this into repast someday. It certainly looks better
> (that is, the charts are more pleasing to the eye) than our ptolomy
> based code.
> Nick
> On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 12:52, Owen Densmore wrote:
>> I have a friend who's looking for java charting/graphing packages.
>> I don't believe the RePast packages are separable into a small
>> collection at this point.  Apparently OpenSequenceGraph and
>> OpenHistogram
>> are from Ptolomy?  But it looks like Ptolomy has become pretty
>> involved at this point and does not have a small, separable set of
>> charting & graphing classes.
>> Any suggestions for charting/graphing packages?
>> Owen Densmore
>> 451 Camino Don Miguel     Santa Fe, NM 87505     505-988-3787
>>    [hidden email]    Cell: 505-988-3787
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
>> SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
>> _______________________________________________
>> Repast-interest mailing list
>> [hidden email]
> --
> Nick Collier
> Social Science Research Computing
> University of Chicago
Owen Densmore
451 Camino Don Miguel     Santa Fe, NM 87505     505-988-3787    [hidden email]    Cell: 505-988-3787

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Charting & Graphing Packages

Friam mailing list
Check out - they list many scientific Java packages:


>My interest is in gathering a suite of useful java
>frameworks (RePast, Ascape, NetLogo, ...) and individual
>libraries (JFreeChart, ...) so that scientific java work
>can be less error prone.

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Charting & Graphing Packages

Friam mailing list
I found Ptolemy pretty easy to work with.
Somewhere I have a bare-essentials version that I
might be able to dig up if you're interested.

Bios tried several and found ease of use to
be the dominating factor.  There was even a
project to roll our own (whole saga around that).

Tick marks and axis labeling are the challenges.

More recently, I have been thinking about taking some
of my non-java2D based zooming and panning windows and
building a quick and dirty graphing package around
them.  The advantage here is the same code would work
in J2ME/KVM where there is no (official) floating point.

In my copious spare time, of course.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf
Of Sven Gato Redsun
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 2:56 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Friam] Charting & Graphing Packages

Check out - they list many scientific Java packages:


>My interest is in gathering a suite of useful java
>frameworks (RePast, Ascape, NetLogo, ...) and individual
>libraries (JFreeChart, ...) so that scientific java work
>can be less error prone.

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