Call for volunteers for Space Exploration 2005 Conference.

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Call for volunteers for Space Exploration 2005 Conference.

Belinda Wong-Swanson
Dear all,

I am a member of the Steering Committee for the Space Exploration 2005
Conference. The conference is scheduled to be held the first week of April
2005 in Albuquerque. We are currently looking for volunteers to help
organize the conference.

There will be a Steering Committee meeting this Saturday from 9am to 3pm in
my office at 624 Agua Fria Street. If you are interested to help organize
the conference, please come to the meeting. Feel free to contact me if you
wish to obtain more information before you commit.

Here's a list of potential session topics:
 - Space Elevator
 - University Education/Research (student)
 - Space-based Astronomy and Physics
 - Space Robotics Missions
 - Next Generation Space access
 - NEO's (Also space debris deorbitting)
 - K-12 Education Program
 - In-situ Resource Utilization
 - Resources gathered in Space/Planets
 - Space Tourism
 - Space Solar Power
 - Space Directives
 - Space Law
 - Space/Planetary Construction
 - Space Habitation and Life Support
 - Lunar Missions
 - Mars Missions
 - Search for Life
 - Military uses of Space
 - Earth Hazards from Space
 - Space Commerce
 - Advanced Concepts
 - How to clean up space
 - Student Issues
 - Exhibits


Belinda Wong-Swanson, Principal
Innov8 LLC, 624 Agua Fria, Santa Fe, NM 87501
email: [hidden email]
tel: 505-660-7948
fax: 505-474-4659