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Stephen Guerin
791 posts
hmm...http://www.cabspotting.org is a nice example of visualizing an
organization's (Yellow Cab) data.

Check out the time lapse and recommendations for collaborations.

The artists seem very open with the data for anyone looking for a project. As a
complexity-aside, it would be interesting to analyze the work-cycles of loaded
and empty cabs. Also, looking at 'residence-time' of cabs in geographic areas
could proxy as a relative complexity-measure for areas in San Francisco.


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Joseph Dalessandro-2
6 posts
On the airport side:

I found this site while looking for something completely unrelated.
http://www.java.com/en/everywhere/airportmonitor.jsp and

Clicking on the planes gives limited data, but interesting none the

San Jose/Bay (Roughly) Area click out to 80 miles:
http://www4.passur.com/sjc.html --> on bottom "click out" to 80 miles

And for you NY/CT/NJ/PA airport fans:
http://www4.passur.com/ewr.html --> on right "click out" to 80 miles


On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 11:00:38 -0600, "Stephen Guerin"
<stephen.guerin at redfish.com> said:

> hmm...http://www.cabspotting.org is a nice example of visualizing an
> organization's (Yellow Cab) data.
> Check out the time lapse and recommendations for collaborations.
> The artists seem very open with the data for anyone looking for a
> project. As a
> complexity-aside, it would be interesting to analyze the work-cycles of
> loaded
> and empty cabs. Also, looking at 'residence-time' of cabs in geographic
> areas
> could proxy as a relative complexity-measure for areas in San Francisco.
> -Steve
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