CSSSA 2015 Conference CFP

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CSSSA 2015 Conference CFP

Ted Carmichael
Dear FRIAMers,

Below is the Call for Papers for the 2015 annual conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas.  It will be held in Santa Fe from Oct. 29 through Nov. 1.  Papers are due August 15th.

I was thinking folks on this list might be interested.  If not, just let me know and I'll avoid spamming you in the future.  [But better let me know quick; I'm about to post another CFP. ;-)]




CSSSA 2015 Santa Fe

The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas
Santa Fe, NM
Oct 29 – Nov 1, 2015



You are invited to participate in the annual conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas (CSSSA).  The conference will be held at The Drury Plaza Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 29th – November 1st, 2015.  This is a new venue for the conference and is adjacent to the historic central plaza at the center of Santa Fe.

Computational Social Science (CSS) is a scientific discipline where computational methods, data analysis, and simulation models of social dynamics are employed to offer new insights into social phenomena beyond what is available with traditional social science methods.  The CSSSA 2015 Conference will bring together international practitioners of CSS to present peer reviewed research using computational social science methods.

Keynote Speaker Robert Axtell

Displaying Axtell 2010.jpeg

What methodology would social scientists adopt if we could start over?

Abstract: We are living through several simultaneous revolutions in the social sciences: big data, human subjects experiments, network science, and exponentially-growing computer hardware and software. Each of these has the potential to alter the methodologies employed by social scientists, and taken together they have the potential to revolutionize what we do. But we still teach students about rational actors, econometrics based on aggregate data (instead of micro-data), equilibrium, well-mixed interactions (no networks), and how to do analytical, pen-and-paper calculations. In this talk I ask, were we able to start over, would we even bother with Nash equilibria, perfect information, common knowledge, frictionless markets, and so on? If an alternative grounding for social theory exists, what are the barriers to its adoption today? Specifically, could relatively simple, heterogeneous agents who interact directly with one another via networks or space, away from equilibrium, serve as an alternative foundation for a modern, computationally-enabled social science? Prospects for such alternative foundations will be assessed.

More about Robert Axtell


The CSSSA program committee invites papers and posters concerning computational models of social phenomena.  Models from all social science disciplines are welcomed.

All submissions, including posters, will be subject to peer review.  The Program Committee and conference organizers may request that submissions for papers be converted into posters, or vice versa, depending on scheduling and content.

Topics of Interest (non-exhaustive list):

  • Social network analysis
  • Agent-based models / modeling
  • Emergence
  • Economic models / resource allocation
  • Population dynamics
  • Ecosystems
  • Political/social systems
  • Biological systems / metabolism / bioenergetics
  • Efficiencies / fitness functions
  • Competition / cooperation
  • Networks / information flow
  • Social contagion
  • Vision / knowledge acquisition
  • Influence
  • Swarm intelligence
  • Adaptation / evolution
  • Decision making
  • Local knowledge / global patterns
  • Game theoretic models
  • Strategy
  • Learning

Submit papers and posters at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csssa2015

Conference registration: https://computationalsocialscience.org/events/csssa2015/

Special Conference Hotel Rates: http://www.druryhotels.com/Reservations.aspx?groupno=2236817


Papers should be submitted in Springer’s “Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)” format.  Papers should be no more than 12 pages including bibliography and all figures.  The organizers encourage (but don’t require) authors of papers that include models to document their models with the ODD (Overview, Design Concepts, and Details) protocol (see  http://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=10466 ).  This should be included as an attached addendum to the submitted paper (merge with the paper into one single document, with a blank page separating the paper and the ODD addendum).  The ODD is not counted toward the 12 page limit.


Poster submissions require only an 800 word abstract.  They should be clearly marked as poster submissions.

Paper Publication:

All accepted papers will be made publicly available on the CSSSA website. While this posting does indicate successful conference peer review, the CSSSA website is not a publication of record (no DOI or handle is assigned) and should not interfere with the submission of the same material to academic or professional journals. 

A selection of the strongest papers (as determined by the Program Committee) will be submitted (with the authors’ consent) to the Journal on Policy and Complex Systems for consideration as a special issue of the journal.

Important Dates:

Submissions Due: August 15th, 2015

Author Notification:  September 1st, 2015

Earlybird Registration Deadline (Save $50): September 26, 2015

Final Version Due:  October 15, 2015

Conference Dates:  October 29 – November 1, 2015

Questions? Contact us at [hidden email]

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