Greetings and apologies for cross postings,
I wanted to let you know about Grey Thumb. We are a group of scientists,
engineers, hackers, artists, and hobbyists in the Boston metro area with
a strong interest in artificial life, artificial intelligence, biology,
algorithms, computer science, and all sorts of other related topics.
We get together on the first Monday of every month at Christopher's Pub
in Porter Square in Cambridge, MA, to do a blend of socializing, coding
and listening to lectures on ALife related subjects.
Our next meeting is Monday, August 7th at 7:00PM. Jonathan Klein will be
presenting on breve. Breve is a free, GPL software package designed to
make it easy to build 2D or 3D simulations of decentralized systems and
artificial life. Jon's presentation is geared towards introducing new
users to breve, such that they can immediately begin creating
interesting dynamics without a detailed knowledge of the source code.
Grey Thumb is inspired by the Homebrew Computer Club and Make magazine,
but geared in the direction of artificial life. One of our goals is to
bring together the academics and the hobbyists, the curious and the
scholarly, and anyone else who is interested in artificial life.
Christopher's is located at 1920 Massachusetts Ave, in Cambridge, almost
directly across from the Porter Square T Stop on the Red Line.
All are welcome.
For more information, please visit: note, the web site can sometimes be slow, so please be patient.)
Martin C. Martin