A number of recent topics such as Kuhn?s work, Popper?s method, the
nature of mind, etc. have caused me to consult a book written by my
erstwhile colleague Clark Glymour, a philosophy professor at CMU
(formerly of Princeton, UCSD, etc.). I wonder if that book would be of
interest to others who read this list. It is ?Thinking Things Through:
An Introduction to Philosophical Issues and Achievements?, MIT Press
1998. The main sections are: The Idea of a Proof; Experience,
Knowledge and Belief; and Minds. Bayesian reasoning is also discussed,
among other things.
Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz??????????????(505) 995-8715 or (505) 670-9918 (cell)
Santa Fe, NM 87505???????????wimberly3 at earthlink.net