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Best Video Game Ever--The Game as an Emergent Property

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Best Video Game Ever--The Game as an Emergent Property

James Steiner
134 posts
Longish, but fasinating.

The gist: as play proceeds, player customized the player
agent/environment. Via network, game aquires additional content (ie
other creatures, other villages, other towns/cultures, other planets)
from the creations of other players... ultimately, a univerise of
content emerges, all generated incidentally, by players of the game)

(35 minute demo of the product--if you can spare time even for the
first 10 minutes, do it)

turtlezero.com -- its turtles, all the way down!

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Best Video Game Ever--The Game as an Emergent Property

Martin C. Martin-2
41 posts
Ah, but how does the game company ensure it's any fun?

- Martin

James Steiner wrote:

> Longish, but fasinating.
> The gist: as play proceeds, player customized the player
> agent/environment. Via network, game aquires additional content (ie
> other creatures, other villages, other towns/cultures, other planets)
> from the creations of other players... ultimately, a univerise of
> content emerges, all generated incidentally, by players of the game)
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8372603330420559198&q=spore
> (35 minute demo of the product--if you can spare time even for the
> first 10 minutes, do it)
> --
> ~~James
> _____________________________________
> turtlezero.com -- its turtles, all the way down!
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