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Attack of the Talking adds(in browsers)

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Attack of the Talking adds(in browsers)

Gillian Densmore
857 posts
Greeting Fellow Technomancers,
I use FireFox, Opera, or Sfari if I'm on my Windowsbox a Del,
Where as on The MacBook It's only FireFox or Chrome:
None of: AddblockPlus, StopScript, FlashPlus, or the unforunatly name ViralFlashStreamGrabber consintantly  'wordsense' adds, or the FloatingElment type add, they were got so-so close
Even WebOfTrust didn't get them all but they'd at least stop the ones kind that were little videos off to the side of the maincontent- that is till recently, like this two weeks recently,

Problem: They never stop the ones that were just the little off-to-the-side of the main stuff on a website but would start talking, I have heard a variety from "BltizSportsNews" ,"BloomBergFlashNews" to "FlNetworkInternational News!"  and "BBC International News"-I think that was on LifeHacker.Com and or Forbs- theone that stands out as the most peculuar was a the same kind of thing,no sound control, or way to stop it that stood out but I could change the channel was at a kind of a futuristic websits one called ProtonSound, and the other IIRC was called StarDustBar-that didn't seem to have much to do with being a bar--more of hardboiled Dystopian graphical novel page.  However that particular-though obnouxous add set had some tool to change what kind of slightly Overly Zelous random sudo-nws, or factoids you'd "like to be anoyed by, because the funeders are demanding we put this effing thing here"

None of them have a consintant way to stop them, they show up if i'm at page for more than a minute. If as anyone knows the kinds of thing I'm talking about, is there a trick to block them?

and parallel related: What Effing Arse made the damn viral things? that is to say any notions who in marketing though it'd be great to go from a banner add, and adds that websites target audaunce might click on to adds that talk at you, making it more likely you'll put the entire location on your Thar Be Dragons Thar black list?

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