Weekend seminars on this and other topics we embody-
This includes all you FRIAM people with the fancy web jargon particularly.
For instance:
- 10-3 on Saturdays,
- taught by Our Distinguished Faculty
- $125. a person
- handouts included
- bring your own [Mac] laptop and lunch
- Might be a way to generate additional revenue.
The Complex isn't used so much on weekends. right?
We could establish a hands-on, user-friendly version of the Ulam lectures and other series around SF.
Educational information for intelligent interested (but uneducated in this specific area) people.
Our educational mission can certainly encompass adults as well, right? And help fund us.
This would be particularly useful and income- producing if we can give credit/ CEUs for the classes.
I will look into this a bit. If anyone else has links to academic institutions through which we can give credit, let's talk.
- I will cheerfully head an education committee.
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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