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AppliedComplexity Lecture: Blair MacIntyre, Design Exploration of Interactive Augmented Reality Oct 19th 12:15p-1:30

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AppliedComplexity Lecture: Blair MacIntyre, Design Exploration of Interactive Augmented Reality Oct 19th 12:15p-1:30

Stephen Guerin
TITLE: Design Exploration of Interactive Augmented Reality
SPEAKER: Blair MacIntyre
AFFILIATION: Georgia Institute of Technology: Graphics, Visualization and
Usability Center

LOCATION: Santa Fe Institute Medium Conference Room. Tuesday, October 19th

ABSTRACT: Applied Complexity developers are often tasked to visually present
agent-based models back to organizations for validation and iterative
refinement. I will discuss our work with Augmented and Mixed Reality
(AR/MR). A major part of our work is understanding how to support new media
designers during exploration and design of these complex, 3D experiences
that mix physical and virtual worlds.  This support has manifested itself in
The Designer's Augmented Reality Toolkit (DART), a design environment for AR
experience. Our work focuses on supporting early design activities,
especially a rapid transition from storyboards to working experience, so
that the experiential part of a design can be tested early and often. DART
allows designers to specify complex relationships between the physical and
virtual worlds, and supports 3D animatic actors (informal, sketch-based
content) in addition to more polished content.

Feel free to bring your own lunch. You can also buy lunch at SFI for $7

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Santa Fe, NM 87501        mobile: (505)577-5828