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Ansel Santosa – Minimalist Suite

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Ansel Santosa – Minimalist Suite

Owen Densmore
Every now and again, I run into a web designer who "gets it".  All of A List Apart.  All the folks who built CSS.  

Here's another, Ansel Santosa, who is working on a Minimalist Suite .. extensions & plugins that let you be in charge of your WebApp interfaces (Gmail, Facebook, Google Calender, ..)

Here's his Gmail version:

He's a UWash student and I'd say one with a great future!

        -- Owen

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Re: [sfx: Discuss] Doing research in Santa Fe - advice

Nick Thompson

Dear Drew, and others,


Apologies for duplication.


The question raised in this thread about research resources for retired and semi-retired academics in Santa Fe is an important one.  As some of you may know, a few years back when the College of Santa Fe was about to go down, a few of us chartered and tried to organize something called the City University of Santa Fe.  The idea was to pull together all of the intellectual resources of the city to begin to form a University and to teach graduate level courses in the specialties that they had brought with them.   In the meantime, we thought that, by organizing the retired faculty of the city, we could create a resource base of teachers and talents that might volunteer to rescue the College of Santa Fe. 


                I found, to my surprise, that few of the retired academics of Santa Fe seemed to be interested.  People retire and come to Santa Fe because they want to do “their own thing”, and starting a university wasn’t anybody’s particular thing.   In general, I was asking them to ask what they could do for a City University of Santa Fe, and they were asking me what a City University of Santa Fe  could do for them.  That was a question to which I didn’t have a good answer. 


                This thread suggests a possible answer.  Let’s say I made a successful argument before, say, the Mellon Foundation that pulling together these resources would be a good thing.  And let’s say, I convinced them to give us the resources to organize a research web portal for CUSF faculty, so that retiring faculty could pitch right in on whatever projects they want to pursue.  Would THIS be a way get retired faculty to begin investing time in the future of graduate work

In Santa Fe?  Would it get YOU to invest time?


Anyway, I would be willing to try, if a sufficient number of people thought it worth a shot.  Have a look at the web site for The City University of Santa Fe (www.cusf.org) and see what you think.  It’s not a triumph of webmanship and it hasn’t been updated for many, many months, but if you read around, read the text of the charter, etc., you will see what I had in mind. 


I am in Massachusetts, but this is a project I could work on here as well as there, if anybody is interested. I think it requires, perhaps, a half a dozen people willing to put in about a half a day a week (mostly working on their own) to build some momentum. 


Not holding my breath,





Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University






From: drew einhorn [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 4:24 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [sfx: Discuss] Doing research in Santa Fe - advice



On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 2:21 PM, drew einhorn <[hidden email]> wrote:

libros.unm.edu is the combined card catalog for most higher ed libraries in NM.



Oops.  NMSU is not a member of the consortium.  



On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Gary Lee Nelson <[hidden email]> wrote:

One of the few things I miss about Ohio is the access to libraries.  Oberlin College and Conservatory libraries are super.  What they don't have they can get in a few days through the state-wide university network.  For more casual things I had access to ClevNet which linked all of the public libraries in NE Ohio.

What is available in NM?  Can I get access to anything similar?  University libraries? UNM?


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Drew Einhorn

"You can see a lot by just looking."
  --  Yogi Berra

Drew Einhorn

"You can see a lot by just looking."
  --  Yogi Berra

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