Annenberg scholars evaluate political differences on technology

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Annenberg scholars evaluate political differences on technology

Tom Johnson

Annenberg scholars evaluate political differences on technology

Annenberg Research Network on International Communications

Campaign 2008:
USC Annenberg Technology and Media Policy Watch
Sept. 30

Ernest J. Wilson, Dean, Annenberg School For Communication

An informed citizenry is the basis of a robust democracy. This was true at the
founding of our American republic, and it is even more true today. That
information and data are multiplying is beyond dispute. We have more channels,
more information and more data available to us than ever before. It is less
clear that their distant cousins ? knowledge and wisdom- are growing apace.
Because this is a presidential election year, citizen-voters should have access
to the best contextualized knowledge available as they make their decision about
who will govern their country for the next four years. The Annenberg School for
Communication is committed to fostering knowledge in the public interest,
especially as it intersects with our specialty domains of media, journalism and
communications.  In the spirit of contributing to the public debate and to the
commonweal of the nation, we offer the results of a modest project undertaken
by our faculty and students to compare and contrast the positions of the
Republican and Democratic candidates for president and their parties, in this
critical policy domain.

We do not pretend that these are the only important communications policy
issues; there are certainly others. We view this is a start to help the public
and the press navigate the sometimes murky waters of net neutrality, media
concentration and other topics.

Barack Obama
John McCain

Media Ownership and Consolidation
Ownership by Women and People of Color
Public Service Media in the New Digital Landscape
Universal Broadband and America's Digital Decline
Network Neutrality
Copyright, Patents, Access to Knowledge

Richard Lowenberg
1st-Mile Institute
P.O. Box 8001, Santa Fe, NM 87504
505-989-9110;   505-603-5200 cell
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J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism -- Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)                 [hidden email]

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