Hi Jochen,
> One thing which fascinates me as a trained physicist is that many
> abstract
> social concepts become concrete, observable and measurable
> phenomena in
> Multi-Agent Systems. On our Wiki, I have tried to collect definitions
> for the basic agent interaction patterns and fundamental types of
> social
> relationships in terms of agents, mostly based on Weber's definitions.
> Agent_interaction_pattern
I don't know if it makes sense for your goals to include Imitation as
one of your interaction types. It is quite common in different
systems, it promotes cooperation, organization, etc. You can check a
very simple model of this I did on Chapter 4 of my BEng... http://
(Related experiments are in Chapter 6.2)
Best regards,
Carlos Gershenson...
Centrum Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Krijgskundestraat 33. B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~cgershen/ ?Tendencies tend to change...?