"ART + CODE" Demo/Lecture Wed May 6 11:30a - Dr. Woohoo

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"ART + CODE" Demo/Lecture Wed May 6 11:30a - Dr. Woohoo

Stephen Guerin
TITLE: Art + Code
SPEAKER: Dr. Woohoo
TIME: 11:30a-12:30p Wed May 6
LOCATION: SFComplex Commons, 632 Agua Fria Street

Art + Code
Dr. Woohoo will be at the Santa Fe Complex on May 6th at 11:30 for a
show-n-tell session exploring how he – and you – can generate artwork
by hacking into Illustrator, Photoshop and Maya via code. As the
result of some early mash-ups within Illustrator, Woohoo was invited
to work behind the scenes at Adobe on a series of tools that
simplified and enhanced the process of driving the Creative Suite from
Flash based content. Based on this experience, Woohoo will explore how
he connects the dots between ExtendScripts, Mel, Adobe AIR
applications, Flash plug-ins, openFrameworks and Maya, Illustrator and
Photoshop in order to redefine what is creatively possible. Tutorials
on how-to connect the dots between these toolkits and applications
will be distributed to participants.

Dr. Woohoo (translation: serious fun) is a New Mexico-based artist and
programmer. Woohoo sculpts the form of his generative artwork and then
harnesses natural phenomena (wind, gravity, etc.) and music, through
algorithms, to drive his brushstrokes and composition. With a DIWO (Do
It With Others) attitude, he develops color, paint and visual effects
applications using ExtendScripts, Adobe AIR, Flash plug-ins and
openFrameworks applications and rather than recreate existing features
and functionality, Woohoo integrates his tools with applications like
Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya and Painter. Woohoo's artwork and
applications have traveled all over the world including: Singapore,
Seoul, Russia, Lucania (Italy), Toronto, Brighton UK, Barcelona, Rio
de Janeiro, São Paulo, Seattle, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Santa Fe, in
Communication Arts magazine, IDn, Photoshop Users magazine and online
at Adobe's Design Gallery, MoCo Loco, Layers and Moo.com. Woohoo
has/will presented/ing at Art and Code, FITC, Flash on Tab, FlashBelt,
Flash on the Beach, Adobe Max, WDDC, ArtCast, Cinemathque, File-Rio,
File, Best in the SW, File, Lucania Film Festival, DomeFest, The
OutVideo, Visual Music Marathon, MegaBytes 6, Futuresonic, I/WE: Case
Studies (SCAD), SXSW, Flash Forward, NAB, OFFF and AIGA.

For more information on Dr. Woohoo, you can find him at DrWoohoo.com
as well as see a recent review and video of his recent show-n-tell
session(s) at FITC and here.
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