AMB 64bit

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AMB 64bit

Mark Nishimura
Be aware there is more to the Opteron and turion architecture then
64-bit CPU.  All below are correct in fact the AMD chips mentioned have
been certified for the Windows 64-bit, Red Hat, and Solaris Operating
Systems.  Fine machine are sold by IBM, HP and Sun Microsystems.  The
advantage for those stuck on Windows is that the 64-bit Windows runs the
32 bit apps in the 64-bit space; so in this case yes you get the
additional memory address space of 64-bit OS.
I think the really advantage to the AMD architecture is that they got
hyper-transport to work.  Like the Sun S-bus it is supposed to control
communication to the bus at full clock speed.  Versus the Intel design
to speak to things at two and sometimes three different bus speeds and
offload the control to a bus controller sometimes.  Most of the HPC
testing that has been done on the HP and IBM machine have broke new
records.  For example, HP broke a SAP record with a 4 way dual core AMD
server.  Both IBM and HP marketing high end workstations with dual,
dual-core AMD CPU's.  This is also a great clustering CPU for those that
want to try really high performance computing.
Mark Nishimura
Design Engineer
Computer Assets

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Friam-bounces at
[mailto:Friam-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert Holmes
        Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:19 PM
        To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
        Subject: Re: [FRIAM] AMB 64bit
        Or if we consider a truly important application, Valve are due
to release a 64-bit version of Half-Life 2 within a couple of weeks.
        P.S. And we all know what the Black Mesa Research Facility is
*really* based on...
        On 1/19/06, Parks, Raymond <rcparks at> wrote:

                That laptop is running an AMD Turion, which is 64-bit,
but the more interesting aspect of that is the power-saving capability.
You can get a beta version of Windows XP for 64-bit, there's a 2003
Advanced Server that is 64-bit, Vista will be 64-bit, and there are
64-bit Linux versions.
                -----Original Message-----
                From: Friam-bounces at on behalf of Roger Frye
                Sent: Thu 1/19/2006 9:25 AM
                To: Friam at
                Subject: [FRIAM] AMB 64bit
                Best Buy is selling an HP laptop featuring an AMD 64bit
                Does anything use 64 bit?  Will Vista?  Do you get extra
memory bandwidth
                even if you can't compute with 64 bits?
                FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
                Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at Mission Cafe
                lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
                FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
                Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at Mission Cafe
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