>From the MISP-Events list:
_______________________________________________ ***MISP-EVENTS-L is an announcement only listserv*** * >From Reid Givens @ Refresh Albuquerque... Albuquerque BarCamp 3 is coming up on Saturday August 30th, 2008. What is BarCamp? BarCamp is a conference unlike most all other conferences for two reasons: 1. No one owns it or makes any money off of it 2. The attendees are the presenters BarCamp is based on the simple idea that we are all experts. Why pay a few so called experts to come in and talk when we have a wealth of information right here? Besides, when we don't pay for speakers, we don't have to charge for the conference. Attending BarCamp doesn't mean that you HAVE to present (although you probably know something some of us don't), but it does mean that for at least a day you can learn something new that can affect your career, and you get to see who else in the community is out there, what they're doing and just plain have fun. Going to BarCamp was the best thing I ever did for my career, and it created friendships that have lasted years. BarCamp is free and doesn't take a lot of time out of your life. Come and meet designers, developers, marketers, usability experts and anyone else that stops by. This year, lunch will be provided so you don't even have to pay for food! You can't lose! For more information about BarCamp in general, visit: http://www.barcamp.org For more information about BarCampAlbuquerque, visit: http://www.barcamp.org/BarCampAlbuquerque The value of BarCamp increases exponentially with the number of attendees. Because we all present, the more attendees, the more chances to learn something new. It's important for the whole community that you (or someone from your shop if you have one) show up. So go, right now, to http://www.barcamp.org/BarCampAlbuquerque and sign up to attend. We expect businesses, freelancers and employees to show up, and we should have presentations from designers, usability experts, programmers and more, so there is surely something you will learn or at least one new contact you can make. Let's get together and have fun with our fellow web folks. Everyone is an expert at something, so please take the opportunity to give back to the community and lead a session. It's not formal, so have some fun. I'll see you there! ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
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