A washingtonpost.com article from: tom@jtjohnson.com

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A washingtonpost.com article from: tom@jtjohnson.com

Tom Johnson
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 I love this kind of ad hoc monkey-wrenching.

-tj (in Dresden)
 Wireless Networks Give Voice To Evacuees
 By Arshad Mohammed
 Hurricane Katrina survivor Caprice Butler had been at a church shelter in rural northeastern Louisiana for nearly a week when she finally heard her husband's voice on an Internet phone running on an improvised wireless network.
 To view the entire article, go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/08/AR2005090802058.html?referrer=emailarticle
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A washingtonpost.com article from: tom@jtjohnson.com

Belinda Wong-Swanson
What a wonderful success story.

The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina has proven that self-organization
among individuals and small groups acomplished a lot more than
"organized" top-down big government. In times of crisis, where
flexibility and ingenuity is much needed when every seconds counts,
bureaucracy and protocol should be thrown by the way side.


[hidden email] wrote:

>You have been sent this message from [hidden email] as a courtesy of washingtonpost.com
> Personal Message:
> I love this kind of ad hoc monkey-wrenching.
>-tj (in Dresden)
> Wireless Networks Give Voice To Evacuees
> By Arshad Mohammed
> Hurricane Katrina survivor Caprice Butler had been at a church shelter in rural northeastern Louisiana for nearly a week when she finally heard her husband's voice on an Internet phone running on an improvised wireless network.
> To view the entire article, go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/08/AR2005090802058.html?referrer=emailarticle
> Would you like to send this article to a friend? Go to
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