A new energy source from nuclear fusion, S Focardi, A Rossi, 9p text 2010.03.22: Rich Murray 2011.01.14

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A new energy source from nuclear fusion, S Focardi, A Rossi, 9p text 2010.03.22: Rich Murray 2011.01.14

Rich Murray-2
A new energy source from nuclear fusion, S Focardi, A Rossi, 9p text
2010.03.22: Rich Murray 2011.01.14

9 pages

A new energy source from nuclear fusion
S. Focardi (1)
and A. Rossi (2)
(1) Physics Department Bologna University and INFN Bologna Section
(2) Leonardo Corp. (USA) - Inventor of the Patent
March 22, 2010


A process (international patent publication N. WO 2009/125444 A1)
capable of producing large amounts of energy by a nuclear fusion process
between nickel and hydrogen, occurring below 1000 K, is described.
Experimental values of the ratios between output and input energies
obtained in a certain number of experiments are reported.
The occurrence of the effect is justified on the basis of existing
experimental and theoretical results.
Measurements performed during the experiments allow to exclude
neutron and gamma rays emissions.

The patented apparatus is able of producing a constant and reliable
amount of energy for a period of months.

Two different samples of material used in the experiments labelled in table
1 as method A (288 kWh produced) and method B (4774 kWh produced)
were analysed at Padua University SIMS.
In the long period sample, the mass analysis showed the presence of
three peaks in the mass region 63-65 a.m.u.
which correspond respectively to Cu 63, elements (Ni 64 and Zn 64)
deriving from Cu 64 decay and Cu 65.
These allowed us the determination of the ratio Cu 63/Cu 65=1,6
different from the value (2,24) relative to the copper isotopic natural
The peak in the mass spectrum at a.m.u.=64, due to Ni 64
and Zn 64 (both caming from Cu 64 decay)
requires the existence of Ni 63 which,
absent in natural Ni composition, must have been in precedence
produced starting by more light nickel isotopes.
More details on this analysis will be given in a successive paper [8].

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