2000 kW-hr/year 5.7 foot diameter 95 lb wind turbine system $ 4500 by huge
Honeywell via Ace Hardward 2009: Rich Murray 2009.06.19
http://www.earthtronics.com/honeywell.aspxIntroducing the Honeywell Wind Turbine from EarthTronics
Thank you for your interest in our wind technology.
We've turned traditional wind turbines, inside out.
The Honeywell Wind Turbine eliminates traditional wind turbine gear box,
shaft and generators.
The Honeywell Wind Turbine is a gearless, "free wheeling'' turbine that
generates power from the blade tips (where the speed lies) rather than
through a complex slow center shaft.
By practically eliminating mechanical resistance and drag, the Honeywell
Wind Turbine creates significant power (2000 kWh/yr) operating in a greater
range of wind speeds (2-45 mph) than traditional wind turbines.
[ With weak winds at 30 feet altitude in low-wind Class 4 area -- power
stored in 12 volt battery, with 110 volt AC inverter. Price $ 4500 at Ace
Hardware soon. Power worth $ 200/year at $ 0 .10/kw-hr ]
The highest output, lowest cost per kWh installed turbine ever made.
EarthTronics, Inc.
200 Viridian Dr.
Muskegon, MI 49440 USA
Toll Free: 866-6-EARTH-0 (866-632-7840)
Local: 231-332-1188 Fax: 231-726-5029
[hidden email]
http://www.earthtronics.com/pdf/Energy-Generation-Information-4.pdfWT 6000, detailed 6 pages of technical info: 20 year lifetime,
5.7 foot diameter, 95 lb., with all needed components
Rich Murray and Sondra Spies
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
[hidden email]
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